character information/introduction .chapter 1 part2

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Cat is pregnant!!

Im lazy but oh well

([:<To the chapter>:])

Enemy#9 : "Then why won't you just accept "'you know who's proposal'"."


Milo : "How many times i told you dont call me milo you idiot my name is mike goddamit you idiot!!"

Character information :

Name : Mike

Nickname : milo (by mellisa).

Age : 25

Work : soldier

Country : [>(locked)<]

Personality : Short tempered , kind , glutton(the one who eats alot of foods)

Likes : bloody war ,chaos ,terror in the face of someones (aka strangers) family ,familys ,friends and other people that respects him for his hard work called him Mike ,guns ,tank ,helicopter ,kitten, cats ,who dont abuses animals ,tea ,foods.

Hates : people who is  abuse to animals ,people who puts tea in the oven ,people who disrespect him.

([>End of charcter information<])

Melissa : "You started it! Dumb idiot!"


Enemy #3 : "madam we are in war we have to be quite if we dont want to get killed or get ambush"

Melissa and Mike : "*turns their head towards the guy**scrathing their head a little then suddenly stops* Ohh right*turns their heads to eachother once again doing a menencing looking at eachother*

Melissa : " alright soldiers find the people hiding and keep him custody"

Third person:

In the backround alot of booms and bang bang in the outside the other buildings nearby is starting to collapse

Alot of screams can be heard that reminds the bad memory to george which making him hold his head in axniety and horror that he starts holding his hair and as he breathes very heavly the enemy soldiers is looking at him like he is going crazy or they say that hes turning into a "madman" so they start to tie his hands ,arms and legs to pevent him from escaping or "you know what" then they cover hes mouth because he might shout and reveal their position. The people who is hiding is slowly backing away but they accidientaly step on a spilled water on the ground which caught the attention of the soldiers (aka enemys force). And as the soldiers walk  towards their position they are pointing a gun at their direction (because you know guns has a feature on it it has light like it a flashlight ). As they almost going near them something suddenly caught their attention a Boom that is so  loud it almost collapse the building the people who are hiding starts to show them selves by running to the exit and shouting that the building and the bunker won't hold on an another explosion. The soldier ,Melissa and Mike starts to take action by saying " retreat the building is collapsing we must retreat ".

All Enemy's soldiers : "yes maam *they said as they run to retreat*"

Author's note time

Hi dear readers I only make chapters ramdomly so pls dont get a little stress oh and by the way i only make ramdom long and short chapters so pls dont get confused and thank you for reading :3

The soul burning for vengeance and loveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя