[𝐏𝐭. 𝟏] 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍

Start from the beginning


"No, I'm the Easter Bunny that caught the rabies-" Hunter chuckled.

"Listen. I don't have time for this. I have a factory to run." RF seemed to be annoyed.

"And a gray little dude to take care of." Hunter teased him further.

A sigh.

"Did you call because of him? Hunter, listen- He just got here. I didn't even get the chance to-"

"Relaaax dude." Hunter interrupted him. "I didn't call for Gray. I have a different proposition. One that I might need your help with."


"I need to find the ultimate neighbor."

A pause. Hunter heard RF shift a few papers around before he replied.

"I'm all ears."

<^> <^> <^>

The next day they both met up and traveled to the "Origin Universe".

It was a different one from the Original Universe, where Original Wally lived.

If you imagine the mutliverse like a tree, then the "Origin" is like the center point of its roots. Or just the roots in general. It was the universe, where someone thought about Wally and created him alongside the Original Universe, which now functions as the stem of the tree. From it, all other AUs protrude like branches. (Metaphorically they'd be more like fruits on these branches, but that could be a philosophical debate for another day.)

Some people might even refer to the "Origin" as "the real world". A term Hunter didn't fully understand. He felt pretty damn real, why wasn't his universe considered real-?

Anyways, him and RF had to stay hidden in this world. Being seen, or even recognized, would have dire consequences for them.

They both were crouching behind some shrubs near a semi-busy street at the very edge of a town. Awkwardly huddled together, they watched the people passing by with binoculars.

They were searching for someone remarkably ordinary.

"Over there-" RF pointed at a person, who just crossed the street. They were wearing headphones, bobbing their head subtly along to the music.

Hunter gasped quietly. They were PERFECT. Nothing was special about them. The only extraordinary thing about them was, how extraordinarily ordinary they were. No one would notice when they left.

(No offense. Please take this lightly. The author does not intend to be rude.)

"We gotta get their attention." Hunter mumbled, lowering his binoculars to reveal squinted eyes. "But how?"

"Don't worry, I got this-"

RF picked up a pebble and practically yeeted it into the person's direction.

<^> <^> <^>

You were on your way home after a day that honestly just sucked ass. It sucked so well, you honestly felt the need to ask it for its secret.

Oh well. Simply enjoying your music coming from your headphones, you went on your way in blissful ignorance of the world around you. Until...

Someone threw a fucking stone at you! Said projectile bounced of your headphones, thankfully. Your head jolted sideways.


Stopping dead in your tracks, you turned to glare into the direction the stone had come from. Only to see...

A bush. And then a hand portruding from it. First waving at you and then beckoning you closer.

What the everloving fuck.

Why was the hand robotic?? Was this the start of the robot apocalypse??

And why was it calling you over? Did it want to ask you for help in overthrowing human-kind and reign alongside the robots as supreme leader?

Fuck yeah, that'd be awesome-!

If that was the case, you'd happily march over there. Which was exactly what you did.

Approaching the shrub, you saw the wildest thing you could possibly imagine.

No, not robots sadly. No apocalypse. No reigning as supreme overlord. Dang it-

They looked like odd cartoon characters to you. Both yellow with blue (and black) pompadours. One was all dressed in black, the other like some kind of scientist.

For two or three minutes all you could do was stare in disbelief, frozen in place.

The dude in black was also in disbelief. "I can't believe that shit worked-"

"Told you so." Mr Scientist chuckled.

"Who the fuck are you??" You asked, questioning if you suddenly went insane or just developed a spontaneous case of schizophrenia.

The two stopped their conversation and looked at you.

"Well, technically both our names are Wally. But you can address me as Rainbow or RF." Mr Scientist, or rather RF, introduced himself.

The other dude nodded.

"And you can call me Hunter."

You nodded slowly, telling them your name as well.

"On a different note, do you perhaps, not like this world?" Hunter asked.

This made you perk up.

"I mean, it honestly sucks."

"Would you be interested in living in an alternate universe? You even be in charge there."

"Like a supreme overlord??" You started to bounce in excitement.

Hunter gave you a confused stare, before reluctantly agreeing.

"Like a supreme overlord in a sense... Yeah..."

You cheered and threw your hands up. Your dreams would ultimately come true!

"Shut up and take my money!" You almost yelled.

"So it's a yes?" RF tilted his head.

"Fuck yes!"

The Interdimensional Household (Wally AUs) Where stories live. Discover now