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After the runway cristiana had a reporter for Hollywood fix stopped her to interview her.

Hollywood Fix
"Hi cristiana how do you feel right now after this runway." The reporter asked her.

"Um I feel good, thank you for asking." Cristiana said smiling at the reporter.

"What are the goals this year for the modeling."

"It's the one as always until I retire and it's being number one." Cristiana said looking to her side.

"That's a good thing, because every year your number one how do you feel about that."

"Well it's amazing but it would be nothing without the fans that watch me." She said smiling at the camera.

"Where is Nelson why isn't he here today."

"He has a game today so his dad is with him right now but right after this I'm heading there." She said throwing a thumbs up.

"So I recent heard that your home in Madrid is being sold and that your buying a house here in Arabia." The reporter asked her.

"No my house in Madrid is completely mines, right now the house is getting redone so I think that why people are thinking that but no and yeah I'm buying my third home here in Arabia since I like the houses here and the environment." She said looking at the reporter and around her.

"That's good I hope you keep all for us updated on the house renovation." The reporter said and Cristiana laughed and agreed with her.

"Thank you for your time cristiana good luck on your next show."

"No thank you for have me." Cristiana said hugging the reporter and while cristiana was leaving a reporter from a Spanish channel stopped her and cristiana turned towards her manger.

"Can you tell them to give me a few more minutes for this interview." Cristiana said to her manger and her manger agreed.

"Yeah but make it quick." Her manger told her feeling like the reporter was going to cause something.


Second interview

"Gracias por darme tu tiempo solo tengo un pregunta." The reportera said while cristiana looked around to see if she had to time for this interview.

"Si dime."

"Como ese la relación tu y de el padre de tu hijo."

"La relación ya bien nosotros nos llevamos bien por el buen estar de el nene y na." Cristiana said.

"Como tú te sientas sabiendo que Kevin tiene una nueva pareja y está laudando con el hijo de ustedes." The reportera asked.

"Na yo sé que el nene la va ver mucha a ella como es pareja del papá y está bien yo no tengo ningún problema con eso ni ella." Cristiana said looking around because she wanted to get this over with.

"Porque siempre que sucede algo la gente te quiere estar vacunando con anuel tu padrino ." The reporter asked, there we go though cristiana.

"Si tu me vas a preguntar por una entrevista y me preguntas por estoy, porque hora ya tú no tienes entrevista ." Cristiana said walking away to her changing room not listening to the reporter.

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