"And what about father?" 

"Your in-laws and your father are having a heated argument outside, they said they aren't doing this marriage and as for their daughter, she seemed happy.." Drake says as he fills water in glass.

I was satisfied with his answer. My father's company must have already gotten the news of their losses and now are resigning, but my father wouldn not loose his buissness, as there is still a little hope from his trusted colleagues.

But my mind still went back to the night which Nanon left. I was still sad about him leaving me but I'm going to find him again after this circus is done for good.

"Drake, do me a favor.."


"Ohm? I heard you called me?" Milk entered the room stopping at the door.

I nodded sitting on the bed, "Come in.''

She came inside, I studied her face.. She indeed looked happy, at least she didn't have this dead face when I first met her. I was forced to go. Milk comfortably sat on the chair beside me, her eyes stuck on my hand.

" How does it feel now?" She asked looking at me.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." I said with a smile.

"So..." I started "You look more happy now that the wedding got called off.. Were you against this marriage?" 

Milk looked at me surprised and offended. "Well, wasn't it obvious since the day I met you?"

I chuckled, "Well yes, I saw you with someone else too so I was wondering if you were already in a relationship?"

Milk nodded and held a glass and drank the water in one go. "I have a girlfriend, Love. I was dating her even before this marriage was arranged.. We both love each other and have been dating even after knowing about the wedding. My parents got know about it as well.So we thought it would end, but you ran away. After I got the news, I informed it to Love. She broke down into tears..." Milk said looking at my eyes.

I smiled, it reminded me of Nanon "Glad you found someone you love.."

"I hope you find the same happiness as mine.." Milk replied smiling.

Milk stood up, knowing we have nothing else to discuss started to leave, but stopped mid way and turned. She started fetching something in her bag and gave me a envelope.

"I never thought I would be giving you this, but Love wanted to meet you.. We are celebrating our engagement, I hope you will be coming.." 

I took it from her and smiled, "Thanks for the invitation, I'll think about it."

She nodded and left. 

And now everything is clear and I can finally start my work.


2 weeks later:-

I was getting ready as I heard a knock on the front door.

"Come in!" I glanced at the mirror.

Drake emerged from the door wearing a fine blue suit and holding a bouquet of flower. 

"Are you ready? We need to leave in a few more mins!" He shouts

"I'll be there!" I said without turning back

I Told the Stars About You - OhmNanon short-storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin