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Hello everyone, wellcome to my second book! If you read the first book I wrote, thank you so much! This is my second book, I plans on it being much better than the first.

I aim to publish the first few chapters (2-4) in about two days, than after that, slow it down and publish one every 3-7 days. Each chapter, I hope, will be about 1K words long, if not longer.

Everyone in this book is based off of what is public known about them (some people are made up), and I'm not shipping them in real life but just their personalities. Also, any hate that goes towards any of the characters is purely fictional for the sake of the story.

I don't really write smut, however I do kind of elude to it or infer it within my books.so just keep that in mind.

I also do you AI to help with my books. I use it for grammar correction, ideas for content, names for chapters. I mean I even used it to help me come up with the name of the book!

Lastly, and most importantly, this would not be possible without JoaoFelixsWife_, they are the one who wrote that fanfic that Yuki will "write", and Pierre will be reading. So whenever you see a paragraph or big chunk of text in Italics, just know that it is their work and I do not take credit for it. However they are aware that I am using it as I have asked them for permission.

Anyways, enjoy my lovelies!

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