The Vampires

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The vampire and Bella left to save Bella's  boyfriend , I mean thats just too much for one day for me. I shifted to my wolf form , which is much smaller that the shifters wolf form , and ran back to the reservation. I enetered the pack house, Jacob on my tail. Sam and Emily were sitting hugging eachother.

" Sam they are coming back" Jacob announced.

" who?" asked Sam getting up from his mate. I sat down not caring that my still wet clothes will ruin Emilys couch.

" The vampires" I stated " they will like 99 procent come back" Sam had a worried look on his face and Jacob an angry one. I am too tired for this. I got up, got my luggage " right, see you guys , I am going to shower and rest" Emily hugged me and smiled

" Be back soon for some tea okay" I smiled and nodded

I went to my own little cottage that was in the reservation teritory a little further from the pack house. I walked inside , nothing has changed in here from the last time I was here except I see someone keeps cleaning it , a true family they are.

I walked in the shower and started washing my silvery hair and my mind drifted to the vampires. The only one I met was the little fairy one, Alice was her name as she so kindly introduced herself. She looked young, was probably changed when she was 18 or 19 , poor girl, I sometimes feel sad for the cold ones, even though some are killers, there are some good ones I believe. and to live a life like that, I presume is hard. I have lived for 263 years but I dont need to drink blood so I do not feel pain like them I just feel the lonelyness... I sigh, walk out of the shower and brush the foggy mirror with my hand. I stare at my pale blue eyes, deffinantly the black sheep of the tribe but family nevertheless.

Getting dressed in warm comfy clothes I sit in my living room with a turned on TV but not really paying attention , I start to doze off in to blissfull sleep

In my dream I saw a field , a huge field that I have been to, next to me I saw wolves and I saw Alice and some other vampires, I feel a light squizee on my hand " everything will be okay my love" a soft musical voice said as I turned to look at who it is I saw beutiful amber eyes and - ......

"Talia!!!! Wake up!" I was being shaken by someone, I opened my eyes it was Sam 

"Sam, what the hell? " I asked , Sams eyes were worried

"Talia , you sleeped for 2 days" I was shocked , well that was unexpected meybe the funeral took a tool on me

I smiled " well I am awake now" I stood up, streched and saw it was almost night time " Its already dark?" Sam nodded, fidling with his fingers, something is wrong

" whats wrong Sam?" I put a hand on his knee for comfort " You can tell me anything"

He sighed not looking at my eyes " The Cullens are back" I nodded " And the tribe councel wants you as our protector to repressent us and inform the vampires about the treaty" I looked at him confused, what about the treaty that the vampires do not know. Sam met my eyes

" Bella Swan , the girl you saved , she wants to become one of them" shock took over me. I stared at his eyes in disbelief

" She want to be a blood sucking vampire?" He nodded " Well it is her choice but we can save her a little time because while they are here they cannot harm any human" Sam smiled " Do not wory Samuel I will remind our 'friends' about this" He groaned

"Samuel, really" I laughed 

"what? it suits you Alpha " We talked for a little while, we cought up of how is everything is for me and for them for the time I havent seen them. Than I started to get ready to go to the vampires den.

I looked myself in the mirror, silver straight hair, black leather pants and a crop top, meybe too casual but it will do. 

I hoped in my red audi and drove to the location my pack told me. I stoped at a beutiful glass house, as I see everyone is home, the lights are on. 

When I got out of the car I saw the little fairy waiting for me. She smiled bouncing up and down.

" Talia! So nice to see you again" she came to hug me, I didnt hug back. Even though she is nice, we are still mortal enemies she should remember

" I wish I could say the same thing Alice, meybe if the circumstances were diffrent" Alice frowned and than zoned out, I  looked her in the eyes

" Bella and Edward will be here soon, you should come in" I hummed

" You are cliarvoyant" She smiled 

"And you are smart" I smiled back as she led me to the beutiful house, than we took some stairs, and I was greeted with a few faces that looked familiar to me but I cant pin point where. There stood a blonde beutiful girl with a glare on her face, next to her a huge bulky guy with a huge smile showing of his dimples and there sat on the sofa a blonde guy with short hair till his ears with a not so happy look on his face. His eyes were scanning me as if checking if I am dangerous and than checked Alice. Probably Alice is his mate. 

" Another human Alice? what is wrong with you?" Snarled the blonde girl. I raised and eyebrow and smirked

" Racist much?" I asked, she snarled dangerously. My smile became bigger " Easy there , I am here as a part of the shapeshifter pack just wanted to remind you guys of some rules" 

The blond was confused " What rules?" I looked at him seeing little cresent moon scars on his body , he must be a fighter with all these batle scars

" I will need your clan leader for that business, is he here?" I asked looking around. Alice grinned with a knowing look

" Carlisle! " she yelled. I heard a whoosh of wind from the outside and than I smelled the most seductive and calming scent in my life. I heard footsteps coming closer

" What is it Alice?" I heard the most beutiful voice say. I looked up at those amber eyes 

And than as if everything stopped

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