Start from the beginning

Arnav actually relieved hearing that, as he wishes for this alliance not happen at any cost.

"You're sister going to embarrass herself soon."She wanted him to feel insulted after all Anjali is his mother like sister.

But his reaction was quite opposite from what she imagine. He didn't hesitate at all," That's on her, she is an adult. Every action has consequences. " His reply was so savage.

She was surprised he could keep calm like this in matter of his sister.

"I gave up on my happiness once for her.. This time I will do anything to get it back, I don't care about anything or ANYONE including her." He said with so much determination in his eyes that she didn't know what to say anymore.

Arnav know that the damage already done, now she all distant and won't believe in him anymore but he got to say this, marry Rathore was Anjali and Mamiji's idea. Even though he had already told Anjali of him disapproval, she didn't seem to be listening at all.

But he won't just stop with words, he will show her that he is a changed man, a man who deserves her. He promised himself that this marriage between Rathore and his sister will be cancelled and they will be the getting married instead. She deserves a grand wedding of her dream like she said to her friend pretto.

But soon his smile fell off when he hear Anjali coming to him with a brilliant smile on her face, "I am getting engaged in two days."

Neelam immediately wished Anjali, hiding her discomfort. "Congratulations Anjaliji.."

Anjali is so happy that she blurt out, "Thanks Neelam Ji, soon you will also find someone you a second chance in life." That was something uncalled for.

Dadi and Raghu was shocked to hear that, while Khushi become more interested in Neelam after hearing that.

Veer and Arnav look at each other. Having a bad feeling.

" Neelamji, what does Anjaliji mean? "

Neelam waved her hands, "No khushi.. Ji.. Never mind it."

Anjali didn't stop, but continued on. "Woh, I heard from Dadi this morning that Neelam is a divorcee too."

Neelam froze hearing that... Raghu also stopped moving for a bit.

20 years ago..

Neelam's POV

They had no choice but elope when his parents found out that their unfavored son had fallen for a lowly maid.

They escaped to lucknow, where they begin to start a new life, her Raghu was full of life. Her being by his side he never stopped smile even at hardships..

He worked hard to support her, he forbid her to work any longer, he wanted her continue her study, while he volunteer to work.

Every bit of their money was enough to keep their life float. One day she found where he work..

He worked as a labour in a factory, lifting all that stuff alone, when he comes back home, he never showed how exhausted he was..

His parents planned to send him study.. If he didn't chose her, he wouldn't be here enduring all the pain and hardship working a hard labour...

She returned home, there she met Usha Rathore standing outside their home.

Usha had very sad smile on her face, "Is he happy now? We been hard on him.. Aren't we? I heard a news that he been working a lowly job?"

Neelam trembled as she cried, "He.."

Usha smirked, as she showed Raghu's test results, "Highest grade in entire in country! He suppose to be studying, not working! We been hard on him, yes we favored his twin but he never suffered the poverty. He had the highest quality of life. From his clothing to what he eats. His entire life was planned beforehand.. You ruined his entire life. " Usha blamed Neelam outright.

TALE OF KHUSHI THE GOLD DIGGER (2)Where stories live. Discover now