Series One: What You Don't Deserve. Part One

Comenzar desde el principio

A sort of "pang" hit my heart thinking about her like that.

Shut up. It's not like that.

I don't care about anyone. Not even me! So why would she make me feel like this?! I've never cared! Ever..

I want to be mad at her. She made this happen. She deserves what's coming. They all do. They're all just as wicked as each other, no matter what team they're on.

They all deserve to die. Even me. Even that Pink Brat that always has to make everything perfect and rainbows.

I scoffed at the thought of that Pink Warrior.

She's a hypocrite. Always fixing everyone's mistakes when she can't even see her own. Always saying everyone should pay attention to what people want and they're friends, when she can't make sure her own friends are alright.

She's an idiot. She's lucky to have someone like Diamond as her friend. Diamond isn't someone who would just walk away from her. No matter how much that Pink Brat hurts her.

It's not fair. Why do these humans have such nice people telling others to treat everyone like they'd treat themselves, yet hate the ones who even look different, act different.

It's stupid. It's unreasonable.
It's.. it's... appalling and ridiculous and.. disgusting.

I can't believe how humans treat each other, then say they should be treated like royalty.

That's why this world should be destroyed.

Everyone and everything should be destroyed because of that.

I don't care if I have to kill myself in the process.

I deserve that, too.

Just like the rest of the universe.

I hadn't realized I'd started floating until I remembered about the tide and why the ground didn't feel like it was sinking.


Funny word.

I want to see these humans sink in despair.
Sink into despite.
Sink into hopelessness.

Not just sink... drown.

Drown in the depths of their own hypocrisy.
Drown in their hatred.
Drown from all the fake love they've created.
Drown from the negativity of this world.

Then crumble up in sadness, disappointment, disbeliefs, and depression and die. Die of themselves. Die from what they've become.
Die from the world they created.

That's how much I want them to sink.

Sink until they drown.
Drown until they die.

Wrecked from their own actions.
Blaming their own friends for it.
But knowing it's their own fault.


Knowing they deserve it.
Knowing they did it to themselves.
That's what's coming.
They are their own end.

I'm just helping them see it.
Helping it go quicker so I can get over with it.
Over with all this monarchy.
Over with this tiredness.
Over with this madness.

Over with me.


"Where do you think Ira left to?" Marmo asked a suspicious Bel as they had teleported into an empty room, after Ira not responding to their yells.

"Probably trashing some alleyway... or fighting the Glitter Brats.." Bel answered.

"Really?! That's genius!! I could have never thought that!!" Marmo gasped astounded, but sarcastically.

"Don't talk like that."

"Fine. Seriously, where do you think he went. Usually if he's mad he basically wrecks the bowling alley." Marmo pointed out.

Bel shrugged, unlocked the door, left the room, and walked back towards the couch.

"You're no help..." Marmo groaned.

Marmo looked around the room to see if there was any sign or note of where he went.

"Hmm." She hummed as she walked towards the bed, picking up a paper under Ira's pillow, "I don't know if you were trying to hide such a worn down paper, because that didn't work.."

Marmo burst into  laughter as she read the paper.

"What's going on in there?!" Bel shouted, teleporting into the room.

Marmo handed the note to Bel for him to read.

"That son of a gun.." Bel chuckled.

On the paper was a singular sentence:

You're absolutely stupid if you thought I'd actually write something important on this grotesque piece of paper.

"Well.. he's not wrong." Marmo smirked.

"Whatever. I'm taking a nap now." Bel crumpled the paper into a ball and walked back out of the room.

"You should go to sleep forever, Grandpa!" Marmo teased.

"I am not-!! RRRGG!!"

Just an idea I've had that DokiDokiShipper07 suggested I actually make.

I don't know if this is gunna get a lot of likes, but I wanted to make it just to make it.

That might be an honest view over humans... like... why we that messed up? 

RiRa will be taking place in this series of the book.

Other series that I write in this book might not have ships, or might be specifically based on other ships.

I genuinely don't want to ship anything that is against RiRa.


Rachel x (anyone that's not Ira)

Ira x (anyone that's not Rachel)

I refuse cause RiRas my favorite.

One Shots! Series Version!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora