the headcanons

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party noob (poob)
• has a voice like pinkie pe

• easily upset, but tries to look on the brightside no matter what happens (like basil from OMOR)

• LOVES to bother pest, but has no idea what hes saying when pest speaks in japanese
^ addition: when pest speaks in japanese, poob will try to play along like they understand what hes saying even when they are confused as fuck

• listens to mlp songs unironically
^ listens to mitski and conon gray unironicaly

• OVERSIZED SWEATER!!!!! (its pests) + jogger shorts that pest bought for them because he was tired of seeing poob wearing the same green pants every. single. day. even during the summer

• she has a soft voice + soft giggle :3

• a voice like fluttershy ESPECIALLY when talking with bive

• gets nervous when others are upset because she starts thinking its her fault and bive has to comfort her.

• has messy hair because she wanted bive to like her more and she was told that bives 'type' was girls with messy long hair like her own

manniquin mark

• constantly says 'howdy pardner!'

• argues with wallter about their height difference because he feels like a cockroach compared to him

• CONSTANTLY being berated by wallter if they ever actually come into contact with one another in the elevator

• wishes he had a cowboy hat to flick the tip of it

• constantly checking on split to make sure shes okay and when she says shes fine she starts thinking it was her fault

• listens to mitski and ghost and pals

• constantly huddled next to split whenever the lights in the elevator flicker because shes more afraid of the dark than split even though she IS the dark

• protects split from the petals that supposedly cause 'brainwashing'

• lends split her hoodies when she gets cold

• WILL sacrifice herself for splits safety. doesnt matter the circumstances.

• ALWAYS in fight mode even despite her constant paranoia and anxiety. if anything, those things FUEL her protectiveness and alertness in order to keep split away from any and all harm

• berates mark about their height difference to make him mad.
(he thinks mark is cute when mad)

• CONSTANTLY far away from mark and 90% of the time WILL NOT enter the elevator if mark is there. no compromising.

• poob annoys him too much but he loves them for it. (he thinks its cute when they jump around)

• steals poobs party popper occasionally just to watch their eyes light up when he blows into it
^ takes poobs party hat to make them happy

• compliments poob in japanese in an aggressive tone to confuse them because he knows they cant understand what hes saying

• freaks out on EVERYONE when poob is sad
^ blaming everyone when they get injured even if they only tripped on a rock or something

• requests to hold poobs hand when they go to the party at the happy home to make sure they dont get kidnapped (spud reference)

• flinches at any sudden movements because he got kidnapped (canonly)

• when they get scared, they hide their face in their bucket to prevent seeing anything 'scary'

• enjoys pilbys company a lot
^ same with poob and infected, even though he may not know infected that much

• listens to ghost and pals, cavetown, and the mlp soundtrack unironically and sometimes mitski if bive asks him to listen to a song by her

• gets upset if they get mud or dirt on their two stud camp shirt or their blue tie

• WILL grab your hand in the elevator if the lights suddenly go out because hes afraid hell be kidnapped again

• enjoys spud!'s touch a lot even though they dont really know him much


• sneezes a bunch whenever theyre around DRRETRO because theyre allergic to cats

• will cry if you tease or compliment them too much because they dont think they deserve it

• covers their face if you throw flower petals in their direction because they get embarrassed; they didnt think you liked them so much as to give them such a good gift

• his fangs arent actually real, he just wanted to look like pest (pest is his idol)

• jumps at the sight of a spider, poisonous or not

• speaks loudly when talking about his interests because he wants you to pay attention
^ he WILL jingle keys or something in your face if you stop paying attention to him while hes talking about his favorite things to do

• hes like a cat in a way that "EW WATER!" and runs away from any forms of it besides if hes drinking it; which is rare to see

• listens to sodikken, harley poe, and penelope scott

• 'argues' with unpleasant about who gets to go in the elevator
^ will wrestle with unpleasant in order to get in the elevator before it can

• cant talk very good due to a speech impediment that causes them to have slurred speech and a lisp

• listens to ghost and pals, sodikken, and rebzyxx

• gets along with everyone EXCEPT for wallter and manniquin mark. too much arguing (hypocrite behavior)

• has longer bangs in the front like those early 2000's emo kids/teens thats dyed both pink and green but also cus hes infected and it can do whatever he wants :3

° ° °
hope you guys enjoyed reading these! if i forgot any of the docile characters, please do let me know!!!

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