"Cregan." Valaena bit her lip, her cheeks already stained red at the heat of the room. She coughed, awkwardly as she tried to undo the clasp of her cloak, but failed miserably as her hands slightly shook from nervousness.

Cregan stepped forward then, undoing the golden clasp with a simple flick of his index finger. His hands reached to take the piece of clothing off. It was intimate in a way that wasn't sexual at all, the way the back of his fingers softly stroked her bare shoulder.

Both Valaena and Cregan held their breath as their eyes met. She watched his pupils dilate as he did hers.

"It is much too warm in here for a cloak Laena." Hummed Cregan as he stepped back and took the cloak from her shoulders. Placing it on her chair instead as he shoved it backwards. Offering her a seat. She took it reluctantly, her heart beating fast in her chest as he pushed her chair closer to the table.

No words were able to leave her tongue, not untill Cregan sat down himself and raised his cup at her.

"My mother wrote to me-" stated Valaena as she reached for hers.

"She gave birth to a healthy boy, Viserys. We should toast to him."

"To Prince Viserys then." Offered Cregan raising his ale high as she did her sweet elderflower wine.

During dinner the two talked about their childhoods, how Cregan had spent his in the snow alongside Benjen and Rickon. He had been to the wall for the first time as a five year old boy. She in turn told him of Essos, leaving out the parts where she bit her tongue and traveled with her former betrothed. Rather she focused on the colourfull markets and much better food.

She asked Cregan about the wall, wondering what it felt like to stand on top of it.

"I am relieved that you have asked me this question yourself." Begun Cregan as the servants poured in to collect their plates and serve them more drink. He cast his eye towards the box that still sat near Valaena's side. With an almost happy sigh Cregan got to his feet and walked over to her, grabbing the box and handing it to the Princess.

Cregan felt he enjoyed gifting her things, little things for now, perhaps more in the near future.

He watched as she undid the ribbon that he had hastily tied together. "Gloves?" To his suprise her voice exuded glee, her eyes lit up as she took the leather out of the box and examined them. "Oh these are perfect."

"You'll need them, we are traveling North at dawn, to the wall."

"Oh, are you sending me to the wall already?" Jested Valaena as she slid on the gloves and got to her feet aswell. Watching the Lord with curious eyes. He was kind to her. A kimd stranger still. She held the box in her hand, her eyes sliding to the small note that sat on the bottom. 

Laena Stark , Had been written on them, she smiled. Raising one hand up to rest on Cregan's arm. It might have been awkward, they were they shared only small touches, but if felt right. It felt comfortable to do so.

"They do not fit your dress." Remarked Cregan as he moved his arm to hold her hand. "Have you become fashionable already?"  Shot the Princess back as she looked up at him.

Cregan shook his head, laughter erupting from his throat as he softly stroked Valaena's palm with his thumb. "We'll take the horses."

Valaena frowned, her brows pushing together, why would they take the horses and risk being on their way for days, when it would take them only hours to reach the edge on Dragonback. "Is my dragon not to your liking?"

"I would not even consider insulting her Laena, but my men it it them who are wary, they have yet to adjust to a Southern Lady as their Lady."

Valaena nodded, her mind slightly absent, she felt conflicted at having to abandon her Dragon.

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