Phil:allie good to see you

She looks at phil how opens is arms and she hugs him which they don't usually do.

Phil:you smell nice

Doug:come on love birds we have to go get stu

Allison:oh shut up

She says phil chuckles but she knows she loves what doug did.

Soon they arrived at stu's place and phil cupped his hands and yelled.

Phil:paging Dr. Faggot paging dr faggot

Allison:you are so mean

Stu comes out mad he tries to get in but there is no space.

Allison:dougie there is no space here

Doug:sit on someone's lap

Allison:no eww

Stu:melissa is already pissed so no

Phil:you can sit on my lap

Allison:only because I have to and I don't wanna upset stu's dragon lady

Phil chuckles as she gets on his lap a sits comfortable on top of him.

Phil:you comfy or do you wanna move

Allison:nah I am comfy are you

Phil:yeah you aren't heavy ,you're pretty light

Allison:okay than

The whole trip was talking and laughing till they got to the garage.

Doug:let's go

Allison:yep I have to pee

She gets up and out swinging her hips phil behind her biting his lip and she goes inside and to the bathroom.After she comes out she walks out of the shop and to the car hearing alan yell at someone.

Allison:Alan, stop it will you he is a old man just complimenting dad's car nothing wrong with that okay

Alan:okay sorry

She walks to the old man.

Allison:I am sorry about him he is a little weird but thanks for the compliment most appreciated

Old guy:pleasure beautiful young lady take care of yourself

Allison:will do sir and you too

She walks back to the car and leans on it than she turns her back to the shop and looks at the road and someone whispers in her ear.

Phil:you have a nice ass and you swinging you hips is heaven

She turns around and looks at him smirking down at her.

Allison:yeah I knew that and your married stop


Allison:sorry to hear that phil and I hope you feel better now can you get in please

Phil:yeah and I got you this

She leans in and kisses his cheek and than he gets in the car and she gets on his lap again this time he wraps his arm around her waist while she eats some candy and than puts it in her bag .

Allison:phil can I please lay my head down I wanna take a nap

Phil:yeah sure get some rest beautiful

She lays her head on his chest he wraps one arm around her and one stroking her hair making her fall into a deep sleep.

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