"I want us to have supper together in my chambers." Spoke Cregan, eying her carefully. "Have we not done so yet?"

"My private chambers, as you are moving in. Our... We have had dinner in the family hall."

Cregan offered his arm to Valaena, narrowing his eyes at Lord Cerwyn for a moment. Valaena swore she could see Rickon shoot him a wink.

Cregan's jaw clenched for a moment.

"Come, I will show you Laena."

She hadn't noticed her hands started sweating untill Cregan grabbed hers and she could feel how cold his fingers were against hers. She swallowed. Was he planning on consummating with her now? She wasn't a maiden, not after Aemond. Did Cregan expect her to be? Would she have to lie. Was he going to ask her. A million questions raced through her mind as he pulled her along. She counted their footsteps in her head. The doors to his apartments were large, they had been put open to make way for the servants that carried her trunks in.

"I'll rearrange your belongings, if you wish it. There's a dressing room and you can put-"

"I am not in need of a dressing room." Grinned Valaena as she let go of Cregan's hand and placed hers into her side. Raising her brows at him. "Nonsense!" Exclaimed Cregan as he pushed the doors to his bedchamber open with one hand. "As much as I would love to see you in Northern attire, I cannot bear the thought of you not wearing those cream and lilac coloured dresses."

Valaena chuckled at his words. She crossed her arms and slightly raised her head. "I do consider that as a compliment."

"However." Valaena stepped into his chamber, bending over to pick at the lock of one of the fine leather cases that held her dresses. She grinned to herself as she slid a hairpin out of her braid. Picking the lock instead. She could feel Cregan's eyes burning into her back. "I did not take you for a petty thief." Remarked Cregan as Valaena picked at the lock.

"The keys-" grunted Valaena, "are in my bedchamber." She smiled as she heard the familiar clicking of the lock. "Alas."

Valaena got back on her feet, pulling out a shimmering blue dress. It skirts were a rasberry cream, and on it's fabric lay pearls and diamonds. The dress had no sleeves save for bits of tulle that extended down the arms and they also shimmered with little diamonds and purple coloured gems.

"Would I wear this? On a hunt? A trek North perhaps?" Remarked Valaena as Cregan laughed, his brows furrowing together in confusion. Why his wife owned dresses the price of a small castle confused him. Perhaps he was beginning to understand the almost insultingly large size of her dowry.

"I would actually be pleased to see that." Cregan shook his head, his laughter filling the room.

"I do think I'll need some thicker sown dresses." Whispered Valaena as she placed the dress back and shut the case. She rested her elbows on it. Staring at the hearth in Cregan's bedchamber. The windows were wide open. Casting a clear view of the Godswood across the yard. The Trees remained Green, and many flowers and bushes still bloomed. It was gorgeous. More than.

"Do you have a balcony?" Questioned Valaena as she perched herself over the window to get a better view of the gardens.

"Winterfell does not. During Winter, the Snow might cause them to break down."  Explained Cregan as he joined Valaena at the window. She could feel the warmth radiating from him as he stood behind her. Towering over her.

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