Should I tell them?

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'Yare yare' - Saiki's thoughts
"Yare yare" - Saiki speaking telepathically
'Yare yare' - Anyone else's thoughts
"Yare yare" - Anyone else speaking (and if Saiki speaks out loud, which he does for a certain someone.)
Yare yare - Fourth wall breaking
Yare yare - Author replying to fourth wall breaking

❤️Satou Hiroshi's❤️ POV:
My name is Satou Hiroshi, and I am dating Kusuo Saiki, former psychic... or so we thought. He may be getting his powers back, and as much as he is denying it, they are definitely coming back. Moreover, he went invisible, then teleported somewhere, and hasn't been back since. Plus, the meteor is gone. Completely gone. So, I am currently on the school roof, awaiting Kusuo. I haven't exactly told him I am on the school roof, I just know he will eventually show up.

I find it rather humorous that he thinks his powers are useless, though his dislike for them has some logic to it. However, as he has recently displayed, his life is super hard without his powers. It's like a sense that he depends on. Though, I find it adorable that he can be jumpscared just because he couldn't predict someone's moves, and where they are without telepathy. I felt a wind rustle my hair, but it isn't windy outside...

"Kusuo!" I shouted, running to him and enveloping him in a hug. I find it cute that he's shorter than me. Even if we aren't too different in height, he still is cute, and will always be short to me.

"Hiroshi..." He said, sounding rather happy, which he only ever does around me. "I got my powers back, but I presume you already figured it out?" He inquired. "Yeah, I mean, you literally broke a window, and even teleported right in front of me, so how couldn't I? So, how's it like to have them back?" I asked, genuinely curious to hear his answer.

🍮Kusuo Saiki's🍮 POV:
"...If I'm going to be honest... kind of... exciting..." I confessed quietly. Only he would know about this.

Yare yare, why the hell is this author using so many periods? Normal people do not use so many, nor do they take that long to form a sentence.

HEY! Get back into the story! And no fourth wall breaking!

Why should I listen to you?

I'll give you some coffee jellies later on in the story, possibly this chapter (or the next one, if it becomes too long and I just want to publish this and make sure everyone knows this story isn't abandoned at the first chapter), if I'm bothered to write that much.

Yare yare, fine.

But internally, he was excited at the prospect of receiving coffee jellies.


For the love of the gods, just go with it.

...Yare yare

"Really?" Hiroshi asked, sounding rather surprised. "Yeah, I really did feel excited. I wonder why I never felt that way previously." I pondered. "Well, I'm glad you don't hate your powers anymore, Kusuo. You should accept yourself the way you are... I love you the way you are..." Hiroshi whispered, ruffling my hair, but avoiding my limiters. I blushed a little, smiling nonetheless. Hiroshi really did change me a lot, but I don't mind. (A/N: This will make a lot more sense when I write the Satousai book that's a technical prequel to this).

"Hiroshi... you know how I planned to tell them... as in my... friends about my powers?" I asked hesitantly. He nodded, deciding it's best to listen to me. "I.. think I'm going to try to tell them again... should I do it tomorrow?" I asked, hoping he had an answer. "Kusuo... it's up to you. If you think you're ready, you can go ahead and tell them. I can be there with you if you want. But, if you're not ready, it's fine. Don't force yourself into saying something you don't want to." Hiroshi told me gently. I smiled a little. Hiroshi always made me feel much better. "All right... but, I feel like they deserve an explanation... for a lot of things." I said. "Well, you should still take your time... it's fine... Ku Chan." he smirked when he used the nickname my mother uses for me. "H-hey!" I complained. He just laughed quietly. "I just want to go home and take a well - deserved break..." I groaned. It was rather overwhelming to get my powers back.

"Well, it's around lunchtime, so you can go home for a bit. Since the meteor 'disappeared', I doubt anyone would notice your disappearance." Hiroshi assured. "All right... can you come with me though..?" I asked hesitantly.

Will this author use better terminology already? She's already used 'hesitantly' twice.

Hey! Shut up and just get back into the story, or you're not getting those coffee jellies!

Yare yare, I can always mind control you into giving me those coffee jellies, so I have nothing to worry about.

"'Course! Anything for my Ku chan!" He said, using the nickname again. I blushed a tiny bit, but I was sure that he didn't notice, as he didn't comment on it. I just grabbed his hand, doing a quick telepathic check to make sure no one's watching us, and teleported home.

My mom was in the kitchen, washing dishes, while my brother was watching TV and drinking more coffee. I had no clue as to what my father was doing, nor did I care. "I'm home" I announced telepathically, then attempted to pull Hiroshi upstairs. Obviously, I shouldn't have teleported to my living room, because my brother is now going to bother us. My mom waved to us. "Ku chan! If you and Hiroshi kun (A/N: Not that good at Japanese honorifics 😭 im sorry...) want a snack, let me know!" she called out. "Well, I have already mentioned this before, but it is rather intriguing that Kusuo can be in a relationship. I would like to conduct some research on how he could possi-" Kusuke started. "No. Absolutely not." I growled. "Aw, c'mon little brother, I won't harm him, or anyone else for that matter." he uselessly tried to reason.

"Yare yare..." I muttered, then proceeded to pull Hiroshi upstairs. Kusuke was wearing his telepathy cancellers again, so I couldn't read his mind. However, he obviously would have an ulterior motive, being Kusuke Saiki. So, I wouldn't trust him, though I have no clue as to why I would let him do it in the first place. I closed my door, sitting on my bed. Hiroshi sat next to me, wondering what kind of research my brother would've done. "Don't worry about it. He probably is just doing that to use you as a hostage so that I play his ridiculous games." I assured, wondering how reassuring I sounded. "It's not like he would really do any harm... right..?" Hiroshi question one more time. "Yeah, he wouldn't dare. Besides, since my powers are back, I have the advantage over him. He would know not to even try messing with us." I said, knowing he would hopefully not stress about it.

"All right, then! If you say so!" my super trusting boyfriend said. I smiled. Even the littlest things about him made me smile. I leaned against him. I wondered what we should do, until I got a little idea. I put my hand out in front of me, then used pyrokinesis to create a little fire. Then, I made the fire turn into various shapes and forms, such as the regular 2D and 3D shapes. Hiroshi watched, mesmerised. Then, I made the shapes more advanced, shaping them into basic figures. I did a few animals, before attempting to make Hiroshi. To my surprise, it worked. I managed to manipulate fire into the shape of my boyfriend. Even I was surprised my pyrokinesis could go that far. "Wow..." Hiroshi said.

Word Count: 1262

(A/N: I am ending this chapter here because I just want to publish this already. Bye bye! Thank you to those who read these two chapters, hope yall are enjoying it so far!

- Yur trashy author (i accidentally wrote transy!)

We Need To Tell Them The Truth - A /TDLOSK/Satousai FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now