And somehow, it all began to click together.

"And how the gods loathed him, detested him," she continued, her words snarling in absurd fascination as she talked about Akihtio-sama. She was dangerous, she could tell that much, Himiko Chiba was not a normal woman.

Yet she must be strong. Stronger.

"I warn you, Lady Chiba!" she cut in, surprising herself and the older girl as she looked her in the eye.

"If you even dare to think of harming Akihito-sama, I will make sure that you suffer a fate so unspeakable that even the Gods would shiver at it." She warned him, the words slipping out of her mouth as Lady Chiba looked at her with wide eyes.

"Harm him?" she questioned in a somewhat puzzled tone before she raised her hand and began to shake her head.

"I believe you are mistaken, Princess," Lady Chiba said seriously.

"I do not wish to harm him. I wouldn't dare," she answered quickly, and there was a sense of inhumanness in her tone as her eyes glinted as she continued.

"I merely wish for him is to grasp his full potential, accomplish what none have managed to do so in a hundred years," she uttered, and a frown appeared on her face and she continued grandly.

"To do what none before him have managed to do, to become the Sh...."

But her words were cut off as the doors to the room slid open, cutting them off, and her eyes snapped up to see just who had done such disrespect, only to halt as she recognized the face standing there.

"I hope I am not intruding," he said with a smile as he looked towards her, and she gasped out.




With their decision made, the Third Prince, Katsugawa Tatsuya, found himself with his advisors as they planned their assault on the Akihito Shirahoshi.

Yakumo and Kante, two of his retainers and the men who had assembled the whole force sat by his side along with the man he would call the crown jewel of his army.

Kenshiro Ougi is a samurai who is young and able yet equally unpredictable. The young prodigy was said to have killed a jounin single-handedly during his training. He was a prodigy with the blade often said to be the heir to the throne once occupied by Watashi Masamune.

Yet he was unruly and disrespectful, and even now, in his presence, the fool had the gall to sleep as he sat there with no decorum. Yet he would have bitten his tongue. For some time, he consoled himself.

'Only for some time, then he will learn. They will all learn.'

"We have written time and time again to Lord Hattori and Saegusa, yet they have not responded to any of our letters requesting aid," Yakumo began from the side, his face even as he wore a golden kimono with a minister's hat atop his head.

"At this time, I am afraid we can expect little to no aid from them," he finished, and Tatsuya snarled.

"Those bastards!" he snarled angrily. These same lords would skimmer to his side previously, but now, with the support of his grandfather gone, they had backed away. Opportunistic bastards.

"Yet thankfully, apart from these two, most of our other supporters have not backed away despite our fears. Many lords flock towards Akihito Shirahoshi's side as well, yet most of them are newly minted lords with barely a generation in them. They have lesser men to offer, and even now, we have yet to learn of any new alliance being made by him apart from Lord Chiba," Kante added, and that relief was enough, he supposed.

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