I: The Past

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Having a past with someone was normal, obsessing over them was not. That was exactly what Vox had been doing ever since the radio demon made his comeback at some tacky hotel on the west side of the Pentagram. Vox had called us down to his "screen haven", or so I liked to call it, to rant about Alastor. I mean I probably hated him more than Vox did and I wasn't going fucking bats. I wasn't listening of course. My mind had been elsewhere all day, specifically on my meetings, new deals, and whether I wanted to write another fiction book or add several columns to my blog.

But the thought of Alastor was riveting, to say the least. His stoic smile, his hair, his ears, his antlers, his face, his chest. I shook my head a little before my imagination got the best of me. I began a silent session of self-loathing, scolding myself for my thoughts, glancing around at the two other completely uninterested V's and a yapping Vox, just to see if they noticed.

My thoughts wandered back to how the three of us used to be close...

A long time ago, Vox Alastor and I were extremely close. We were all Associates but me and Alastor were particularly close, one could almost call us two friends. One night I was up late writing. He came over to my house drunk asking for help with something. I made a snarky comment about him being drunk and he punched me in the nose and left. I had been punched plenty of times but it felt different when he did it. I was so mad that I wrote a whole section for the papers explaining what a terrible radio host he was and not to listen to his broadcast. I was and still am a renowned author writing whole books on certain topics and writing sections for the paper. of course, the public listened. Basically, the whole pride ring had seen the section, including Alastor.

The next night he did the same thing to me. I loved his broadcast, I always had. I turned it on to see what he would be playing. I was met with a smooth jazz song coming to an end. After it was over his staticy voice rang through telling all listeners that my writings are heavily biased and driven by emotion instead of truth. That was not entirely true up until last night they were always true but focused on one side or the other. I was enraged. He came to my house yet again later that night. We got into a pretty bad fight that ultimately resulted in us using our full demon forms and destroying my house. We damn near killed each other. I fled to the nearby woods and stayed there for a week at least. That was where our rivalry started and our blossoming friendship was crushed.

I left our little group swiftly after that. Vox and he grew close but then were eventually drawn apart by their differences. Vox wanted to embrace the forwarding of technology by teaming up with Val and Velvette but Alastor refused to join them.

"THAT FUCKING PUSSY!" I was jolted back to the present by the sound of Vox screaming about Alastor. I rolled my eyes as Vox continued his rant.

"So he's not missing?" Val asked with little actual interest. Now they have my attention.

"What?!" I said, my voice laced with venom. I was a little happier after I saw him scurry away in fear last week, but to hear he actually was perfectly fine bothered me for some reason. I should have expected this. I knew Adam didn't kill him but still.

"Did you not hear a fucking word I said?! Look for yourself" Vox said as he gestured to the screen behind him. Sure enough, standing outside of the newly rebuilt hotel talking to Lucifer's daughter stood none other than the radio demon smiling like always. I huffed turning my back quickly. I looked again at the image displayed on the screen before me. His big beady eyes narrowed as Lucifer walked out, gaining the princess' attention. The radio demon looked annoyed. I almost smiled seeing him upset like that. he turned and went back toward the fresh doors. I stormed out of the room. The three I left behind exchanged glances as I left.

I couldn't deal with this shit right now, I really wasn't in the mood. I went to my floor of the tower and whipped out my computer with the intent of writing for hours. I didn't even bother to go to my office I just flopped on the couch. I opened a new document and typed away. Doing a review on the new Angelic Security Vox released. I was a little surprised when he randomly mentioned it to the public, but it was a hit. Of course in reality it was all a sham. It gave the illusion of safety, providing a literal shield around someone for about 60 seconds, giving one a small amount of time to try and escape an exorcist. In the blog, though I glorified it, making it out to be a life changer, but still honest about the product, not one lie was told. It's all in the tone. There are ways to advertise well and not lie, I mastered that skill. It was one of the reasons I owned more souls than all the V's combined.

My hands got sore after a few hours of writing reviews on several different topics/products. I started to get tired, my eyelids drooping. I shook my head violently as I stood to wake myself up. I walked towards the elevator starting my journey to the kitchen. Maybe I should review different Hellish Energy drinks next. All I wanted right now was a Hellish. And maybe a bowl of croutons, with raspberry dressing on it, and cheese. fuck now I have to make myself a snack.

I grabbed an Ultra Purple Hellish and started making a snack. My favorite was the bad parts of the salad. A bowl of croutons with dressing and cheese. I was slicing the cheese into little cubes. My masterpiece was almost done.

"Hey, are you ok-" I threw the knife at the door frame instantly at the sound of a voice. The flat-faced man looked in fear at the knife stuck in the wall inches from his screen of a face.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I didn't know it was you," I said walking over and removing my knife

"I don't know why I'm surprised you do that all the time. I should stop sneaking up on you" Vox said with a warm smile which I returned. I went back to cutting the cheese in front of me to finish off my snack.

"Sooo" He started popping himself up on the counter "What has you so out of sorts today hmm?" he asked with a teasing tone like he already knew the answer but was just playing with me.

"Nothing, why do you ask?" he smiled a devilish little smile. I put my hand on my hip and looked up at him "What are you up to?" I asked.

"Nothing!" he said throwing his hands up to prove his innocence. I threw him a non-convinced look.

"hmp" I grunted as I took a swig of my Hellish.

"So it's not because of Alastor," He asked with an evil smirk. I choked a little on the drink.

"do you want me to stab you?" I shot him an evil glare and sighed again. "No It is not due to that, creepy, tall, dark, w-weirdo" Now it was his turn to give me a non-convinced look. "now if you excuse me I am going to go write until midnight" I stated firmly. In response, he laughed and said

"Babe, it's 4:30 in the morning," he said a wild grin on his face. my face fell disappointment was clear on my face at this news. He slipped the hellish from my hand and put it in the fridge. He started escorting towards the door.

"wait what about my snack?" I said pouting.

"I'll put it in the fridge for you ok? Let's go, time for bed" I tried to go back to grab my tasty bowl of croutons but he ended up just grabbing me and pushing me forward. I guess I was more than a little tired because as soon as my head hit the pillow I passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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