Two Steps Forward

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Izuku looked down at his phone, checking the message chain for probably the one thousandth time since he had arrived at the theater. He wanted to make sure he wasn't early, or maybe miscommunicated which showing. It was approaching 4:15 and Katsuki still hadn't shown up. But based on his response, maybe coming at all was a stupid idea.
    Izuku: Hey! So we talked about meeting up, how about we go to the theaters together? They're showing this new movie about All Might and I thought maybe you'd be interested in seeing it. We always used to watch the first three movies together when we were younger, remember? We could recite them by heart! Anyway, so if you want to, there's a showing at 4:00 on Sunday. Thoughts?
    Katsuki: K
    Izuku: Of course if you don't want to go that's fine too, you can just say so. 😅 ... Just let me know and I bet if we get there a bit early we can get the perfect middle row seats so that we can see well and so that we don't have to crane our necks or get a weird warped version of the movie. So maybe 3:45?
    read friday at 8:27pm
    K. Fucking K. That's all he got. And then he was left on read. He didn't want to have Katsuki show up without him there and be looking for him though. If he did that he'd probably be dead meat anyway. But as he thought, he wondered if that was true. His initial reaction to things was always that Katsuki would hurt him if he dared defy him. But would he really? It had been years since Katsuki had laid his hands on him, and here he was, waiting to hang out with him at the theater like they had been friends all this time.
    Izuku was stronger now. Bigger. He had gained lots of weight, and spent time eating proteins instead of carbs and sugars... Though that proved to be quite a difficult feat living where he did. He admitted, though very strong and toned, he did have a bit of chub to him. He may have been slightly overweight, but he didn't mind at all. In fact, though he'd never admit it out loud, he preferred his lovers with a little meat on the bone too. He wondered what Katsuki preferred for body types. Being blonde, and so strongly cishet, he probably was into thinner girls, maybe blondes or something vanilla like that. Izuku suddenly stopped himself, shaking his head slightly. Why did it matter what kind of girls Katsuki liked?
    Just as he turned to leave the theatre, frowning, he saw Katsuki walk in the door, wearing a pair of shades, a black well fitted tank-top and some grey sweatpants. He definitely was attractive. Fairly muscular, and well built, he obviously worked out and often. Izuku hadn't really dressed up for the ocassion, either, but he had put some thought into making sure he looked presentable. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt underneath a red and black flannel left unbuttoned, and some plain grey cargo pants. He wondered if Bakugo would wear anything and still look presentable. This immediately brought his mind to test this, imagining the blonde in a tight pink slip dress and a swan floaty on his head. He quickly flushed his mind of this image.
    "Kacchan! W-Where were you? The movie started almost 15 minutes ago! Not only did we miss all the advertisements... We missed a huge chunk of the movie too! It's only an hour and a half long..." he frowned, realizing he may be overstepping by scolding someone he wasn't even really friends with. But even after all of this time, it was like there was a level of comfort between them. An unspoken bond and trust.
    Katsuki rolled his eyes and scoffed, hands in his pockets as he pushed his shades up into his hair. "I'm here now, am I not? Even now, you're still such a fucking nag."
    "Well yeah, you used to always try and tell me what to do. Under the pretense that it was dangerous, or that you were scared or whatever..." he scoffed before smiling, getting an idea. "Are you still a scaredy cat, too, Deku?" he took a step closer, becoming uncomfortably close with the green haired boy in front of him.
    Izuku blushed a little, as Katsuki got up into his face.
    "N-No! No, of course not! I'm not... The same man I used to be." Katsuki roared with laughter, wiping a tear from his eye dramatically as he shook his head.
    "You being ANY man is the funniest shit I've heard all day! Oh my god. Alright, come with me, loser. We're not doing this lame ass shit your way, you're doing this shit my way. So keep up," Katsuki sneered as he gestured for Izuku to follow him. Izuku, a little bit pissed that he had spent money on tickets for the two of them and waited so long, tried to protest, but the words fell short in his mouth as he obeyed the blonde and followed in suit.
    "H-Honestly, Kaachan, if you didn't want to hang out, or if you wanted to do something else you should have just told me! I'm not the kind of person that thinks it's my way or the highway!" he thought about the irony of this sentence compared to what Katsuki had just done and gave him a disapproving look.
    "Hey. Don't fucking look at me like I did something bad. I'm doing your ass a favor. You used to never shut up during those damned movies we used to watch as a kid, if you pulled that shit at the theater you'd get popcorn thrown at you and judgmental shushes the entire time, and that's NOT how I'm going to enjoy watching the new All Might movie."
    "You remember that?"
    The blonde fell silent.
    "Well either way," Izuku began, "You should have given me a heads up! I guess it doesn't matter now but... I really had my hopes up. So where are we going now?"
    Katsuki shrugged as he kicked a rock down the sidewalk. It flew quite further than intended, so he decided in his right mind not to kick it again in case it went flying and damaged something. Izuku waited a minute before continuing. 
        "Wow. Okay. So now I'm getting the silent treatment. Gee, thanks-" Katsuki briskly cut him off with laughter.
    "Jesus, you're so fucking quick to jump to conclusions! Fucking relax, my god! I just don't know where we're going, nerd,"
    "You don't know where we're going? Then why did we leave!?"
    "Jeeesuss Mary and fucking Joseph will you SHUT UP already? You are so fucking annoying," Katsuki sneered, still smiling a bit. Izuku sort of took this to heart, looking down at the pavement as they walked in silence for a moment.
    The smile faded from the blonde's face and he sort of just looked at Izuku for a moment before shaking his head.
    "Oh come on. Don't get all fucking emo on me here. Just-... Look. Consider this an official be-annoying-get-out-of-jail-free card. You can talk about whatever shit you want to, and I'll ignore you, or correct you when you're being fucking stupid, and when the movies over, we can just head home." Izuku thought about this for a minute, before nodding his head and beginning to ramble about all-might, and about how the movie was rated very highly by Shigaraki fangirls. He found this deplorable, because Shigaraki was supposed to be the villain, and while if he was able to be changed around to the good side it'd be okay, simping over him and taking away from All Mights obvious superiority was rather declasse.
    Izuku talked and talked and talked, yapping Katsuki's ear off. Around 5:45 Katsuki walked them back over to Izuku's house to say their goodbyes and part ways. Katsuki only lived a few houses down, so he'd likely only be walking alone for a couple of minutes. They had circled the block by the theater a few times, and only just now had turned onto their own street. As they neared Izuku's front door, Izuku turned to look at the blonde.
    "Well, I had a lot of fun. Thanks again! Uhm-... Sorry for.. Talking so much, haha! But I guess you did give me a free pass," Izuku nodded, readjusting his collar.
    Katsuki nodded, scoffing again. It seemed to be his favorite activity.
    "Whatever. See you at work, nerd," he shook his head, turning on his heel and walking down the road. As he walked, he kicked a rock along the sidewalk.
    And as he kicked the rock, he contemplated. Why was he... Actually enjoying that fucking nerds company? Deku wasn't even close to being on the same level as Katsuki. So why was he smiling and laughing like an idiot? Why did he find himself agreeing with his points? He rolled his eyes thinking back to himself acting so foolish.
    But as he thought, part of his brain wandered, wondering why he wanted to spend more time with Izuku. He wanted to see him, to feel him. Part of him loved when Izuku smiled. Hated when he looked so sad. He shook his head aggressively. No. No. Fucking no. Absolutely fucking not. When he put it like that it made him sound...
    He kicked the rock harder, as he fought his own feelings. Izuku Midoriya could never be his friend. They were two separate species, divided by worlds of differences. People always said opposites attract, but Katsuki knew that was huge load of bullshit. He could never find himself getting along with Izuku. He could never find himself wanting...
    He kicked the rock harder. Too hard. This time it went flying, flying right into miss Tanaka's window, their neighbor. It broke upon impact, and with an angry hollar, she came storming out.
    "Katsuki? Katsuki Bakugo! What do you think you're doing?" the woman howled. She had short gray hair, and was on the chubby side, face wrinkled with time. She couldn't have been older than 65, wearing a thin white sweater, grey dress pants, black flats, and a light brown cardigan. She put her hands on her hips waiting for an explanation.
    "Shit." Katsuki cupped his hands around his mouth, shouting back.  "That was an accident! Don't blow a damned gasket!" he was in too much of a bad mood to admit his wrongdoings.
    "Excuse me!? You apologize right now young man!" she snapped, stepping down her stairs from her house, taking looks back and forth to the blonde at the end of her garden to the steps in front of her. "You just broke my window! You had better show some respect to your elders!"
    "Oh fucks sake-.. Listen you old hag! I SAID it was an accident! Take a fucking chill pill!"
    "You did WHAT!? Katsuki Bakugo, you little shit! Who do you think you are!?" Mitsuki screeched. Katsuki remained silent, having just told her what happened. Miss Tanaka was pressing charges for damages to her window, unless he agreed to pay to have it fixed himself. Despite being 18, Mitsuki still managed Katsuki's finances for the most part, which is the only reason he had told her. He didn't have his own checking account without her name on it, so she'd definitely notice if so much money just suddenly disappeared.
    "Huh!? Fucking speak to me!" Mitsuki raised her hand, warningly, and Katsuki flinched. As soon as he did, she dropped her hand, smacking him swiftly across the face. "Don't you fucking ignore me! I should have never had some little kid as troubling as you. When you fuck up, you never take responsibility! You just sit on your ass and get all quiet. Then you have the fucking nerve to flinch to me like I'm some child beater? Do you have any idea how pissed off that makes me?" Katsuki ignored her gaze, looking emptily to the side, practically disassociating from the subject at hand.
    Mitsuki grabbed him by the back of the head, by his hair, forcing his head up to look at her. He winced slightly to the pain of having his hair pulled, which only made her more angry.
    "Oh stop being such a fucking pussy! Man up for once, you ingrate!" she scoffed, shoving his head away to the side as she turned her back to him. Katsuki looked as his feet, to used to this kind of behavior to care much. "You're damn sure you're going to be paying for every cent. And you're fucking grounded. For the next week. How do you expect to even pay for it? You've barely got anything as far as money goes! Always scrounging off of us for food and for water and electricity! For 18 years all you've done is steal! And this is how you repay us? You're 18 now, grow up."
    "I applied for a job."
    "Bullshit! Where!?" she whipped her head back around. Katsuki had quit his last job in an outrage. Mitsuki was sure that Katsuki didn't have the balls to reapply for the job. He was much too lazy.
    "At sweet relief, alright! Just leave me the fuck alone! If you want me to act like an adult then maybe treat me like one! Get off my back! Bitch!" he blurted.
    Mitski tongued her cheek, glaring daggers into Katsuki before slowly walking up to him, grabbing his face and squeezing, long nails digging into his cheeks.
    "The fuck did you just call me?"
    "Say it again."
    Katsuki sighed, gritting his teeth. Mitsuki was the one person in this world that Katsuki feared. The one woman he couldn't bring himself to raise a fist to.
    Mitsuki felt no such thing for her son. She raised her fist and punched him, hitting him square in the jaw. This forced him to bite his tongue, immediately causing it to begin bleeding profusely. He spat out blood onto the hardwood floor, as he clutched his face in pain.
    "And one more thing," she growled, "clean that shit up."

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