2 :: pain

11 1 0

I'm so sorry.


I walked through the hallway, looking for kel and his bright jersey. "Damn it, where is he?" I questioned to no one in particular. I turned into every classroom, bathroom, outside area and even checked near the dumpster. Then, I turned to leave the school. I saw basil, trying to walk past him to find kel. I loved him, but right now was really important. You could say I had some.. family stuff going on? I tried to walk past basil, he stopped me. "Sunny! Where are you going? Wanna hang out?" He smiled. I couldn't help but blush at the boy. Maybe he was just sick? I could hang out with Basil for a bit.. "Ye-yeah. Sure." *I nodded. We walked back into school, talking for a bit and heading to the gardening club. The flowers for.. eugh.. Ryan, were cut off by the heads. I couldn't help but smile. Basil and I sat down, talking. "Do you think kel's okay?" I questioned to the shorter boy. "He's probably good, don't you worry. He's probably just got a cold." I smiled, nodding.

He and Kel were probably the only people I would genuinely smile. Kel, because he's been my childhood best friend since we were kids. Basil, because he makes me feel like my insides start swapping roles and suddenly my heart is in the place where my brain is supposed to be and my stomach is where my heart is supposed to be. Then there's butterflies flying all around my body, hitting the walls of my stomach and making me shiver. He's so perfect, I just don't know how to tell him. Confess, maybe? Or spell out 'Sunny loves you' in dead bodies? No.. he wouldn't be able to see it, and it'd just lead me to the crime.

"Sunnyyyy? You okay?" Basil waved his hand over my face. I flinched, nodding. "Oh, yeah I'm good. Just worried about Kel." I lied, smiling at the boy. He leaned his head on my shoulder.. HE LEANED HIS HEAD ON MY SHOULDER?? OH MY GOD. The butterflies began to grow, and suddenly my arm was going around him. Oh god oh god oh god. What if he ends up hating me? What if he ends up not liking me and I have to kill him? I can't kill him! (Yes, I am doing this to add more words. This is leading up to the end, so it has to be BIG.) My worries started to float away as he smiled. I could see just the slightest blush on his face, his eyes fluttered shut, smiling softly as his knees rose to his chest.

The bell rang at least 15 minutes later, reminding us that it was time for class. Basil was asleep, so I carried him on my back and took him to class. We had a little sofa in our class, so I sat there with him as he slept peacefully and quietly on my lap. Once everyone arrived in class, I slightly moved Basil's hair away and kissed his forehead. Risky move, but it helped him wake up. "Basil.. wake up, it's time for class. We have algebra- or science. Either one, I let you sleep a bit longer so you'd have more energy." Basil sat up slowly, still leaning on me but I could tell he didn't get much sleep last night. Strange, he always got good sleep. At least 10 hours. He fell asleep on me again. The teacher gave me both his and my sheet for math, so I just did his when she wasn't looking. After class, I carried him bridal style to the nurses office. She looked at me worried. "Oh dear, what's happened?" she got up. The nurse was really sweet, caring a lot for anyone who arrived in her office even if they just had a headache.

"He didn't get much sleep last night, and I'm worried for him. Can he sleep in here for a bit?" I forced a smile to her to seem nice. She nodded, letting me place him down on a bed and stay with him for a bit longer. Maybe I should check on kel. I nodded to her, kissing the blonde boy beneath me's forehead and hugged him softly. I left my jacket in case he got cold, picking up my bag and throwing it over my shoulder. I left the nurses office, signing out at the office and just saying I was sick, I left the school, going back to my house and changing before I went to Kel's. I brought some soup in a thermos, chicken and corn. He loved it. I brought some tea, too. 

arriving at Kel's house. Knock knock. No answer. Knock knock knock. No answer.. he lived by himself and his older brother Hero (Or Henry) so I had the key. I pushed open the door, walking inside. I got a strange, eerie feeling. "Kel? Kelseeeyyy..?" I crept in, walking upstairs. A smell hit my nose. "God man, you gotta clean your r-" I walked into his room, seeing his dead body hung on the ceiling. "Kel?- th-this is a joke, right? KEL?!" I yelled, unhooking him in an attempt to maybe save him, maybe. Just maybe, I could get him back. On his arm, carved was the word 'MINE'. I cried. I cried more than I ever had before. I pulled out my phone, calling 911. "MY BEST FRIEND'S DEAD!!!!!" I cried between sobs. The operator sent an ambulance and police my way. I hung up, calling his brother. "HERO, KEL'S DEAD!! COME HOME!!" I screamed. Kel seemed alive still, so I checked his pulse. Shockingly, he was still alive. I cried and cried, praying to at least some being up there to not let him die. Hero rushed in, pushing through Kel's door and staring at the body. "He- he's still alive!" I yelled. Hero rushed to him, hugging him tightly and crying. "You better not fucking die.." he mumbled. He was never the one to swear, I don't remember the last time he did. I paced around the room, stealing one of his jackets for some reason. It was orange, like everything else he wore, with white stars on it. His last name was on it, with the number 11. 

Desoto, November 11. It made me cry even more.

AN: I'm sorry. Will he die, or will he live? You'll find out tomorrow (or the day after something like that) 

Have some suntan (if you can't see it idk what happened)

Word count : 1096

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