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"Wake up," Max says, shaking my shoulder. I flip him off, burrowing my face further into my arms. I hear him chuckle behind me before grabbing my shoulders and pulling my face up. I glare at him, while he laughs at me.

"What do you want?" I ask, wiping at my eyes. Fuck I must've fallen asleep. It's honestly been getting worse these days. Difficult to stay awake ever.

"You should accompany me to the Grand Prix this weekend," he says, eliciting a groan from me. I love racing, especially F1 but I find it difficult to stay awake out in public, so I tend to watch at home. Not like that helps, I still end up falling asleep and just have to watch clips.

"Max, I will fall asleep," I groan out, watching as he sits next me. He sighs and looks me in my eyes.

"Please?" Max begs. I sigh inwardly and look down. Max and I have been friends for a couple of years. It was him who taught me about Formula One, and he was also the one to stick with me throughout the multiple doctors appointments I had to go to for my hypersomnia.

"Fine. Just this once," I say, rolling my head back to look at the ceiling. I can feel him jump off the couch, looking down in time just to see him do a little victory dance. I chuckle at the man, trying to figure out how fate put us together. Max is quite literally my platonic soulmate. I met him after I moved to the UK to go to school, eventually dropping out, but meeting new friends, such as Max.

"Thank you! You won't regret it!" Max calls out, running out of the room. I hang my head, kind of wishing I could take back my 'yes'.

Guess I should get packing; the Grand Prix is in Monaco. Home of Lando Norris. Which is no doubt who I'll end up having to spend time with. Lando and Max are best friends, so it only makes sense for me to have to deal with it.

~-~ -~-

"Where are you taking me?" I question the British man pulling my hand. Max turns around to glance at me before pulling me even more. We landed in Monaco a couple of hours ago, but before I could get my bearings Max had to drag me off somewhere. I roll my eyes and sigh at his antics, having no choice but to follow.

Somehow we're at the paddock, me being pulled behind Max as he weaves his way through motorhomes. I don't even have time to process where we are as he ushers me inside of the McLaren motorhome.

"Max!" a familiar British voice calls as we step inside. The sight of Lando stepping around the corner has heat rushing to my cheeks before he even acknowledges me. After sharing a bro-hug with Max, his attention is turned to me.

"Hi, I'm Maeve," I say, reaching out a hand to shake. He looks down at it, taking it in his.

"Lando. It's an honor to meet you," his smile makes me weak in the knees. He pulls my hand to his lips, giving my knuckles a kiss. Holy fuck this man.

"I should be the one saying that Mr. Norris," I chuckle out, trying to ignore the rapid beating of my heart. My cheeks are warm, heat radiating off and only growing stronger the longer I'm near the boy. He grins, biting his lip before dropping my hand.

"Hey Lan-," an Australian voice stops short as they come around the corner. I peak around Lando to see Oscar standing confused. "Hi?"

"Hi! I'm Maeve, Max has brought me here," I introduce myself, but also gesture towards the British man beside me, who is smiling smugly at Oscar.

"Osc! Hey what's up?" Lando asks, pivoting around to look at his teammate. Oscar's face is difficult to read, but eventually he nods and walks towards us. Almost as thought the Papaya boys have a silent language that only the two of them know.

"Oscar Piastri," he says, reaching his hand out for me to shake. I grip it firmly, shaking it before letting go, and taking a step back. Max is all smiles next to me, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Nice to meet both of you," I say, smiling at the two boys in front of me, slowly turning my attention to Max. I give him a look, prompting him to stop bouncing and he instantly starts talking about something.

"Great! Now that my friends are introduced, why doesn't Lando give Maeve a tour around the paddock while Oscar and I talk about something," Max says, sending a wink in the two boys direction. Before I can protest, Lando is wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me out of the motorhome. I shoot a look back at Oscar and Max, who are just smiling and waving at me.

"Wait, where are we going?" I ask, trying to process what's happening, but Lando just smiles down at me. He pulls me along until we reach the pit lane and garage area. Don't get me wrong I've always wanted to visit here, but I'm really starting to get a headache and it's getting difficult for me to process things. Which only means one thing, at least in my situation. I need a nap.

"I'm just showing you around!" Lando exclaims, pulling me into the garage. Something about being in the garage makes me nauseous. Okay I really need to lay down. I lightly grab Lando's arm with my left hand, the right one holding on to a wall. Lando turns around, confusion and concern lacing his face.

"I need a minute. Just let me sit down for a second," I say, sliding down the wall. He hesitantly nods, watching me as my head rolls back when my ass makes contact with the floor. I shut my eyes, feeling the sleep overtake me.

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