the bus

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"Dear diary" layla writes, am here by cold in a bucket,hot in the inside. Am tired of changing schools because of  my mom's work....full of insecurities,right.
and as she looked at the clock, it was 6:25 a.m,"oh freak am gonna be late" she said unbuckling her red face from her messy ginger hair all over her bed, rushing her pjs to the bathroom in prepare for school.
She went onto the bathroom mirror to fix her face after a smooth lavender salt bath. As soon as she was done with her daily routine she went and packed her school bag , then started running to catch her school bus and while in a hurry she tripped and fell on the grass along Washington sreet and skipped a second of impress.
her school bus driver closed the entrance and way it go,
the driver took turns to the post heading to school  in a high peek .
she woke 3 secs later after the scene and sunk her  face in her bag and checkedout her clock, it was 6:35a.m.
plus she remebered that her annoying mathes teacher had the first two periods for equations and biometrics ,
so she had to be heroic and face her demon with just the few minutes left.
She went to the public bus stop and waited for a bus to give her a ride to school,
and after some minutes  a bus came along and gave her the ride she was longing for and she saw a guy whose face bloomed of glitter and as she got close she saw him looking side ways of the bus with his head phones plucked in his ears,
reading a novel tittled "How To Kill A Mocking Bird" an she saw a seat next to him as he sat at the edge of the last seat on his left .
As she drew closer he sat aside and offered her the seat without a word ,nor gesture and she then felt butterflies in her throat tickling her mouth in a sound of bees in her heart ,as the bus drove to her desired direction.
Then she went out of the bus,as she stooped on the ground, a masculine reflection , tapped her shoulder, she turned her face to see this person...
It was him.....the guy.....6 foot tall, black curly hair,brown eyes and pink  plumper lips, his jawline.......fine as if he has been mewimg since birth.
He stood to her and said" you by chance know a school around kinda late, and l lost too" and for no reason layla glanced at him without a word,
day dreaming about how many years she would love to spend with this guy she met.
The guy snapped his finger near layla's , a bit confused about what was happening, she then unswered him....."uhm...yah...l think so...sorry yes the is a school, Lake Washington hi...High School...." she said.
She then asked him"are you new here", and replied and said"yes".
Then they went to school

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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