Help in need / Ciri

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You gotta help Ciri with her wounds /fluff———————————————————————————
A loud knock woke me up from my slumber, sparing a look at my nearby clock I saw that it was almost midnight.

I slowly got up from my comfortable bed to greet the person knocking on the door of my humble home.

"Coming!" I called out

As I reaches the door I opened it to be meet by a face i havent seen for a while.

Cirilla or Ciri for short was looking at me exhausted and completely torn up. Her mild scent of vanilla filled my nose.

"I need your help" she breathed out "one last time"

I looked at her surprised but immediately invited her in. I've helped her before when she was hiding from bad people wanting to use her for their own good, so i wasn't really surprised seeing her again and i might have developed a crush for the blond women standing infront of of me.

She gratefully took the invite and sat on the nearest chair. I made my way to the kitchen to pull out everything necessary to patch up and clean her wounds.

As I returned to the chair she was sitting on I saw that she already removed her top.

Dumbfounded I looked at her in awe as she said.

"You can take a look at my body later but please patch up my wounds first." She said with a slight chuckle following.

I snap out of my gaze and noticed the big gash on her stomach. Immediate panic started to consume me as i saw her still bleeding wound.

I immediately went to her and kneel down to look at her wound closer. It was pretty deep no way it was gonna heal without stitches.

"So how is ur diagnosis doctor?" She said.

"The cut is pretty deep im gonna have to sticht it up." I told her.

She threw her hat back in annoyance

"That is gonna hurt.." she muttered to herself.

I started to pour some alcohol on a cloth ant tapped it on her wound.

She hissed and grabbed onto the chair.

"Sorry!" I said.

After I finished cleaning the wound she calmed down but still had a painful expression.

"Im gonna start stitching it up now" I said.

She nodded and closed her eyes.

I started stitching her up as she asked

"Why are you always helping me?"

I looked at her confused.

"Why wouldn't I help someone that needs it? I know you would do the same for me" I said with a smile.

"You do know im being hunted by the wild hunt, let alone seeing me is a risk for you." She said with a concerned expression.

"Im willing to take that risk." I told her as we smiled at eachother.

As i finished her stitches i told her

"You can stay here for the night, just please dont leave without telling me first."

"Thank you... for everything." She told me.


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I got woke up in the middle of the night. The smooth voice of ciri was talking to me. Still sleep driving I didn't quite hear her. But after I felt something warm on my mouth all my senses started to work.

Ciri was kissing me, I kissed back.

As we broke the kiss, I saw that she was already fully clothed.

"Don't tell me you are leaving again.." i said disappointed.

"I have to." She said with a sad face.

I stood up from my bed and  embraced her with a kiss again. This kiss hold on for a bit longer since it could be the last.

"Just please visit me when everything is over." I told her as we broke the kiss.

"I promise."

After that she spared me a last glance as she left the room. I started to tear up. I just lost the women I loved the most.

With tears in my eyes i made my way back to bed still thinking about her.

- - - - - - - timeskip - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As I was counting the last coins I had a knock on my door startled me. I wasn't expecting any visitors.

I slowly and cautiously moved towards my door and opened it.

As soon as i opened the same scent of vanilla filled my nose. I immediately knew who that was. Without thinking much I immediately hugged the woman infront of me.

"Ciriiii!" I said in joy.

I felt hand wrap around my waist.

"I told you i would visit you" she smiled.

I broke the hug and pulled her into a kiss. As this one was also broken. I saw the man standing behind her.

"Is this your father?" I asked

"This is Geralt."


775 word lezgo

I kinds took this oneshot from my other book since i wanted to continue this one

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