Author notes

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I'll add oc reference up there 👆

21/4/24- Thanks for reading (or considering reading) this actual fail of a 'book'. It won't even be considered a book- since I probably wont be completing it, or even getting close to that point, and it probably won't even get 5 reads (it's okay).

This is just a oc insert that me and my friends thought would be funny on like the last day of the school term.

I mentioned the fact that it was satire in the description, but I was just saying that to save me from the fact I'm actually writing (anything) on Wattpad.

This story (much like anything I try to do) will only be worked on when I get inspired to write something- which to be fair, hasn't happened since the start of this year.

Writing will also be very bad and lazy. If you find any error or mistake with the wording or spelling of anything in the story, please comment (don't actually, I'll cry)

I'll try to make each chapter at least 1000 words long, but depending on the plot it might get cut short for dramatics or whenever necessary.

That's pretty much it. Anything else I need to add, will be added when I realise.

22/4/24- Also sorry for making the end of the prologue sound so dramatic, now I have to make them sad sighhhh.

Worth it!! | Mha Oc insert🎀Where stories live. Discover now