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Dean's pov:

I really never thought that we would get off the island I really never thought that I would see my dad again who is probably the only person in this world who would actually care if I went missing well one one of the now 2 only people in this world who would care. 

As I am walk off the plane I can feel emma tense up beside me I guess she is just as nervous as I am to be in civilisation again I take her hand in mine and I hold hers against my chest for a second as I let my thumb rub circles on the back of her hand. she looks up into my eyes for comfortand I stare down into her blue eyes and I feel her relax a little which calms me down a bit too and we continue walking.

as we make it to the top of the stairs we can see a whole huge crowd of people full of cameras reporters teachers and a lot of family and friends (most of whom are emma's), we make it halfway down the stairs and I stop emma on the landing I know that if I don't get this out I probably never will get the chance,

'em wait a sec'i say as she looks at me 

'what is i-' she starts

'i love you' I cut her off

', I love you and I needed to tell you incase I didn't get another chance to' I blurt out all at once

'another chance to, of course you'll get another chance to, what do you think is going to happen that we are just going to go back to ignoring each other like before the island 'she says

'i love you too you idiot' she says with a smile as she goes on her tiptoes and gives me a kiss on the cheek and we feel the flashes of cameras from the bottom of the stairs but right now I don't care all I want to do is look a the girl I love,

after a moment of looking into each others eyes, i turn to face forward and say ' let's do this prom queen' she smiles and we walk down the rest of the stairs together and immediately we are ripped apart by both our families pulling us into hugs i look at emma as he mom and dad and then her sister bring her into the tightest hugs they can manage, then i look away and get pulled into a hug with my dad as he says " I'm so glad your home"

i look back at emma and see that she is being pulled into hug after hug from all her friends and it feels like she is being pulled farther and farther away from me s a distance forms between us and i try looking above the crowd stretching my neck high enough so i can say goodbye some how but she is too busy with her friends and family to notice and i walk away.

emma's pov 

right now i am being pulled into hug after hug with friends and family and with each hug i feel more and more overwhelmed these are the people that i had missed to much that it hurt these are the people that i had tried to forget about over the past 3 months these are the people that for 3 months couldn't exist because them existing meant that i wasn't there, and i couldn't survive not being there on the island and thinking about not being with them, my mom, my dad, my sister,all my friends. the only person i could have was dean because he was there with me through all of it even before the island i always had dean in my life whether he be the dark and brooding guy in the back of the class or the guy who i was stranded on an island with or my first time or my first love he was there,

as my thought process slows down i notice i am hyperventilating and i look around for him and i cant see him my head is whipping around and i heand my mom ask 'honey whats wrong' and all i manage to mumble out is " dean, dean dean, where is he" before i collapse to the floormy breathing just gets heavier and my vision starts getting blurry and hands and body is shaking, and that's when i realise,

 i am having a panic attack

Blue Lagoon: The Awakening - The AfterstoryWhere stories live. Discover now