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Hello fairies!♡

She is rooted at her place. Her eyes show the fear that she held for years, and her body is showing terror. She is shivering, waiting for something to happen. Someone to come and embrace her to tell her that everything will be fine. Or she is waiting for something worse. She didn’t know when or after how much time she heard. She heard the voice, which was somehow making her turn, but her body was not listening. “Inaya” Shehreyar called her from behind. He is confused about why she is standing there on her own.

Shehreyar walked towards her and stood in front of her. All her cousins stood five feet away from her. “Inaya” he whispered. He took Hayat from her, and she didn’t even move an inch. As soon as Hayat was in Shehreyar’s arms, she fainted. Shehreyar, with his fast reflexes, caught her from her waist. All the cousins rushed towards them. Ali moved and took Hayat from Shehreyar so that he could pick Inaya up. Mahrukh is trying not to panic, and Abdullah sees her and moves towards her and embraces her. “Ibrahim get the car we are going hospital” Ibrahim nodded with a fainted okay, and all of them rushed towards their cars.

Shehreyar still has Inaya in his arms, moreover on his lap, sitting on the back seat of his car with Ramsha and Mahrukh in a passenger seat with Ibrahim driving “Ramsha rub her hands please” Ibrahim said from driving seat. Ramsha nodded while crying and started rubbing Inaya’s hands and then her feet. Shehreyar is sitting quietly with a clenched jaw. He doesn’t know what is happening. Why is Inaya in his arms fainted. And most importantly, why did she fainted. Ibrahim increased the speed. “Mahrukh calm down and I want to one thing call Abdullah and tell him to call the force and instruct them to check the cctv footage of the mall I want every single person on move” Ibrahim instructed Mahrukh who is crying no stop.

“Bhai-bhai Inaya” Mahrukh couldn’t finish, and Ibrahim instructed her sternly. “Mahrukh do as I say, and I promise I will not let anything happen to Inaya”. For them, Inaya is like a person. Every single person cherish. She is just so fragile and sweet that nobody wants to even scold her, and they never did. So, seeing her in this state shook everyone up. As soon Mahrukh finished the call, Ibrahim stopped the car, and Shehreyar rushed to the entrance of the hospital with unconscious Inaya. Mahrukh and Ramsha behind him. Ibrahim went to the parking lot to park the car.

Within 2 minutes, the whole team of doctors rushed to the emergency ward. As soon as they heard the nawabs is here, they could do nothing but rushed to see what the emergency. Shehreyar made Inaya lay on the stretcher on the emergency ward and shouted “Doctors”. Ever available doctor rushed inside. Even the HOD came running. A man in his late forties. “I want results fast, and I don’t want to lack anyone. She fainted in the mall and wants to know why? If I didn’t get anything in the next five minutes, then worry for your jobs” he shouted. “Yes sir, please step outside. we will be there soon” said the head doctor. And rushed towards Inaya to check her.

All the cousins were waiting outside the emergency room, and nobody called their parents. They just want to know what happened, and then they will tell them. Their main priority is Inaya. Shehreyar is standing leaning on the wall. Mahrukh is crying silently. Ramsha and Raila are trying to make her stop and cry themselves, too. Hina is sitting with sleeping Hayat in her lap, and Ali is sitting with her, telling her not to worry. Shahveer, Abdullah, and Hamza pacing back and forth in the hall muttering how they gonna kill doctors. Ibrahim is shouting on the phone, threatening his bodyguards to do worse to them if they didn’t find anything.

Exact 5 minutes doctor came out. All the cousins circled the doctors. “Sir patient is fine. We gave her injections, and she will be sleeping for some time. As for the reasons, she had a panic attack. Mostly, panic attacks doesn’t affect people to faint unless it’s happening for a long time. Long enough for people to forget their surroundings, and it’s because of some kind of trauma or something more intense. Which I mean is more horrific. And lastly it’s affecting the patient’s mental health” doctor finished and excused themselves.

Shehreyar turned and punched the wall behind him. He was trying to control himself as soon as Inaya fainted in his arms, but doctors' words was the last straw. He was not satisfied with one punch, so he punched continuously. Girls were looking at him in fear and men in shock. Ali and Ibrahim rushed to him and stopped him and patted his back. The trio didn’t need to speak. They understood each other without saying much. Shehreyar calmed down. “Any clue?” Shehreyar asked, looking towards Ibrahim. Ibrahim shook his head and said “the fuckers hasn’t found anything. The cctv footage is deleted of exact 10 minutes. It shows Inaya coming out of the shop with crying Hayat and stopped then resumed when she stood motionlessly”.

Shehreyar moved towards Mahrukh “go and check on her and be with her Abdullah and Hamza will company with you all” he explained and nodded towards all the ladies. “Abdullah and Hamza keep an eye on every doctor and every nurse” and both of them nodded and went inside. “Shah and Ryan go and search this floor and if anyone seems suspicious call me” both of them nodded and run towards opposite directions.

Shehreyar turned towards Ali and Ibrahim and said “you both know what to do right? I want every single detail about Inaya with her collage life and every person she interact with”. “On it bhai” both of them said and called their special team and investors.

Shehreyar turned towards the room door and saw that Inaya is woke up and laughing at something Hamza has said.

“Bhai one of our bodyguards said he saw a man talking with Inaya but he couldn’t recognize as his back was towards him”


Here you go, folks. Tell me if you like this chapter, and if not, still tell me. Be safe and be happy. You have only one life to live. 

💟🖇🌺💟 -imaginationstowordz

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