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The day after arriving

Chapter 2

We completely forget about the tour and head out to the doctors and book an appointment for John to get him registered. He dosen't like the idea and just want's to spend time with me but it has to be done. "We don't have to do this now! I only just got here! I want to spend time with you Rose!" He complainers. "Besides we got a wedding to plan!"

"We can't have a wedding until we get you registered and get you a birth certificate!" I tell him but he's still not listening. "But Rose this is supposed to be for you and me not to make it look like I'm human!" He complains still.

"Look John I love you with all my heart and this is the only way we can spend all of time together!" I say nearly crying.

"Don't cry Rose! I know how much I mean to you and if this the only way we can be together her then fine I'll do it!" He promises just in time as the receptionist calls him in. I sit in the waiting room reading an old shabby magazine that has been put here, this news was from last year! They really need to update! I sit window staring for another ten minuets before John comes out. "All clear Rose now lets go!" He approved.

We hold hands and walk out the doctors. Now we got to get him a birth certificate, how are we going to do that? We may have to get him a fake one! That's not going to be good, but what other chose do we have? "Let's get you some more clothes!" I command. He looks a little annoyed that we have to do all of this but its a good thing, right? I drag him to a clothes shop he only gets suet's and pants but that's better than nothing!

"Can we go now?" He asks just after I finished paying. I look at him and he looks like a little boy with his eyes all sorry for him self.

"Sure lets go home!" I reply. We get a taxi and it takes a while to get back because of the traffic but we got there in the end. 

"Can we have that tour now Miss Tyler I mean Mrs Smith!" He says all posh.

"Of course Mr Smith!" I answer him as posh. First I show him our bedroom and the dining room and every room in the house. "I can show you the gardens now if you like!" I ask. He nods politely but his mind is else where. "What's wrong?" I ask looking him in the eye.

"All of this! I'm use to traveling time and space but here is just normal it's just such a big change!" He tells me.

"How do you think I felt when I got stuck here for the first time?" I ask. "You know it will feel strange and odd at first but in the end it feel's like home, and you have me!"

He smiles. "All I want is you! We will be married soon, you will look great in your wedding dress!"

  "You'll look exactly the same in a suet!" I laugh. "But still as hansom as ever!"

"Everything will be normal soon right?" He asks, looking hopeful.

"Sure! Everything will be normal soon. We can traval round the world! Get a fancy job, and so much more and we can still be saviours of the world!" I annoused. He smiles and keeps smiling and kisses me and I kiss him back I want to be trapped in this moment forever but its not to be soon we have to break away but the memory will be trapped in my mind forever.

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