Valaena weighted off her options, would a move as such truly raise many questions. She could simply state that Cregan had abandoned her, so she in turn had him.

Willem Blackwood was kind to Valaena, but it made her slightly agitated that he never once left her side, save for when she went to her chambers. He ate his supper in silence, and made polite conversation with her. After dinner, the Princess still awaited word from her husband. She asked Willem Blackwood to accompany her to the surrounding woods, but he had bade her that it would be dark soon, promising to take her there tomorrow.

Valaena grimaced as she left the Lord, locking herself into her rooms instead. She went to kick off her boots and perhaps bathe and then read a book. Maester Keltan had stacked many texts on her desk. Many of which she was eager to finish. She undid one of her braids, making her way over to a chair untill her eyes fell onto a small scroll placed onto her pillow.

She unwrapped the scroll. Her eyes falling to a Green sigil, Aemond. It wouldn't be anyone but him, her heart thundered in her chest. She wanted to be brave, perhaps refuse to read his words and throw it into the hearth, alas with shaking hands she unwrapped the paper further, holding her breath as she read the words;


Meet me in the woods north, a soon as you are able to. I will love you, always.


Valaena bit the inside of her cheek, in her head, the decision had been made easily. Not a doubt, screaming that he was a traitor.

Yet only days ago he had been the love of her life, and of course he still was. Of course she longed to see him, to touch him, smell him, feel him. She loved him so, so much.

So much that she sneaked out of Winterfell, dressed in a gray cloak, her hair up high and her dress hidden by furs. As she walked past a lake near the entrance of the forest, she noticed that she looked so so much like a Northern Lady.

She shuddered, averted her gaze as she continued her walk, however would she find Aemond even. She hadn't even thought to bring a dagger or sword for protection. Her hairpins would do her little good, and within minutes of entering the forest Valaena's mind told her to go back, go home.

Home, what even did that mean now?

Untill a breathless voice took her out of her thoughts, strong arms wrapping around her waist as she was lifted from the air and held by a figure whose face she didn't need to see to recognize him. His smell, soft like bergamot and seasalt. She closed her eyes, perhaps in pure joy. Before opening them and being met with the face of him, her true love.

For a second her anger and the betrayal melted. Only a second.

He didn't speak to her, no he planted his lips on her so firm and hard that he took her breath away. She was too stunned to kiss him back, at first, untill she slowly sunk into his warmth, her lashes fluttering closed as she kissed him back. His lips were soft against hers, and it gave her such comfort to kiss him, to taste him.

Aemond mumbled something against her lips, but she was too dumbfounded to speak. Valaena's hands sought his, but still he held her tight. Causing her to be nearly unable to move against him.

"Did he touch you?" Mumbled Aemond against her lips, jelousy soaking his tone as he firmly gripped her jaw and slipped his tongue between her lips. She didn't answer him, eager to kiss him back, but much to her suprise he took her chin between his fingers and made Valaena look up at him. "Did he touch you Valaena." Demanded Aemond to know, his eyes ablaze with raw anger.

She frowned, preparing herself to answer him untill he grabbed her chin harder making her more hurt than confused. "You're hurting me." Breathed Valaena out as she tried to push him off. Still his arm held her firm in place. "Did, he , touch, you?" Repeated Aemond.

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