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In the midst of the turmoil and treachery that plagued the Seven Kingdoms, Maekar, ever the vigilant protector of his family, made a difficult decision for the safety of his loved ones. With King's Landing no longer safe and Dragonstone in the hands of the traitorous Rhaenyra, Maekar knew he had to take drastic measures.

Gathering his wife, Alicent, his daughters, Moira and Visenya and, and his daughter-in-law, Evelyn, Maekar informed them of his plan. He had arranged for a ship to take them to Dorne, a land far from the clutches of their enemies. The safety of his beloved family was paramount to him, and he would not rest until they were out of harm's way.

Ser Arryck, a loyal and skilled knight of the Kingsguard, was chosen as their protector for the journey. Maekar trusted him implicitly and knew that he would do whatever it took to ensure the safety of Alicent and their daughters. Alongside Ser Arryck, Fakko, one of Maekar's Blood Rider, would accompany them, bringing his strength and fierce loyalty to the task.

To further bolster their protection, Maekar enlisted a small handful of Dothraki warriors. Their reputation as fierce horsemen and skilled fighters would serve as a deterrent to any who might seek to harm his family. The Dothraki would provide an additional layer of security, their presence a reminder of Maekar's determination to keep his loved ones safe.

As the ship set sail towards Dorne, Maekar watched from the shores of the King's Landing, his heart heavy with concern for his family. He could have sent them to The Isle, it was still under his command, but was too close to Dragonstone to guarantee their safety. It was a difficult decision to send them away, but Maekar knew it was the best course of action.

With a heavy heart, Maekar bid farewell to Alicent, Moira, Visenya, and Evelyn, urging them to stay strong and united. He assured them that he would do everything in his power to protect their legacy and bring justice to Aegon. Though separated by distance, their bond as a family would remain unbreakable.

"Did we make the right decision, father?" Rhaegar asked from where he stood on his father's left, Baelon stood on his father's right. The two boys looked at the King for guidance.

"Yes," Maekar nodded firmly. "Prince Qoren has reassured me that they'll be safe while we plot to get Aliandra and our kin back from Rhaenyra's clutches."

Maekar, Baelon, and Rhaegar returned to the Red Keep, where they were greeted by Otto, Maekar's Hand and their grandfather. Otto informed them that the houses had already started arriving to prepare for the upcoming war. With a sense of urgency, they made their way to the throne room.

As they entered the grand chamber, their eyes fell upon an imposing figure - Lord Cregan Stark of Winterfell, accompanied by his two sons, Eddard and Willis. The Starks, known for their strength and loyalty, had answered the call for war.

Standing beside Lord Cregan was Lord Kermit Tully, the Lord of Riverrun. The Tullys, renowned for their strategic prowess, had brought their forces to support the cause, only after Baelon had threatened to bring an end to their bloodline.

To their left, Lord Borros Baratheon, the Lord of Storm's End, stood tall. His son, Royce, by his side. The Baratheons, fierce warriors, had joined their allies in this crucial time.

On the other side of the throne room, Lord Jason Lannister, the Lord of Casterly Rock, commanded attention. The Lannisters, known for their wealth and cunning, had come to stand with their kin.

Additionally, the lords of smaller houses, loyal to their cause, could be seen scattered throughout the room. Though their names may not have carried the same weight as the great houses, their unwavering support was invaluable.

As Maekar, Baelon, and Rhaegar took in the gathering of allies, they knew that the fate of the realm rested on their shoulders. The war was imminent, and the time for preparation had begun.

𝐍𝐨 𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐞 ~ A. HightowerWhere stories live. Discover now