I'm Douma

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You woke up in a room that was obviously not yours, you were snuggled under a fluffy duvet in a bed which seemed like it could fit fifty people, you slowly opened your eyes trying to recall what had happened when you look down and suddenly realise that your completely naked and there's a tall man in the doorway talking to some people outside.

You shuffle under the duvet more to cover yourself when you hear someone mumble "Lord Founder" and point behind the tall man. The tall man seems to look just like the one you vividly remember opening the door before you passed out.

The tall man turns around and has the other people leave and he shuts the door, he comes over to you and sat on the end of the bed as you tried to move away while keeping yourself covered.

"Splendid! Your awake! I'm terribly sorry about the fact you are naked, your clothes were soaking wet from the hail so some of the female members undressed you and just before you woke we were looking for some clean, warm clothes for you as your temperature is only at 24⁰ when it should be much higher"

He had a big smile on his face and long fingers with sharp nails, his pecs were quite large and had strong muscles. He was still wearing the same things that you could remember him in earlier.

"Who are you?! Where am I? Are you a man or woman? And if you're a man why do you have boobs?!"

You yelled at him for answers as you just kept staring at his pecs trying to work out why they were so big. His face flushed at your last question and had almost turned into a tomato

"I'm Douma and you are at The Eternal Paradise Faith Cult. I am a man and they're not boobs, they're pecs."

"W-well why am I naked?!"

He tilted his head to the side and blinked a couple times.

"Haven't I already answered this my dearie?"

"Oh yeah..."

You two just stared at each other blankly for a few minutes as you sat up and scanned him to see if he could be trusted. He quickly looked away covering his eyes with his one hand and with the other hand he reached forward and grabbed the blanked and tried to pull it up as you realised that when you sat up the blanket fell down revealing your breasts .

You quickly pulled the blanket back up and he looked back. You both lock eyes again trying to find something to say and luckily the door knocks and he quickly answers it and two women bring in fluffy socks, and fluffy pjs as well as some pants.

They gave the clothes to you and left.

"You can put them on and then if you like you can show me?"

"Yeah... Sure"

He leaves the room and you put the clothes on. They were quite tight and really hugged your chubby body, it suddenly dawned on you that you said you would show him, you didn't like the fact that it clinged to you so much and when you sat it hugged your small rolls too.

"I'm done!"

You quickly sucked in your stomach as he came in, he looked you up and down for a couple seconds before his face became blushed once again but looked slightly upset. He came over to you and went to your sides and tickled your sides which made you stop sucking in your stomach.


He smiled when he saw you stop sucking in your stomach and his face then became a tomato.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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