Chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Satoru Fujinuma. I live in Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan. I am 29 this year, yikes I'm getting old sooner than I expected... anyway it's 2006 and for as long as I could remember I would get these weird little like flashbacks but instead of thinking about the past I would actually go back to the time of that flashbacks. I like to call them revivals since it feels like I'm getting revived when they happen. I live alone in a apartment which had one bedroom and one kitchen it's not  that big since I don't really get that many visitors, I work 2 jobs. My first job is as a manga artist and writer. It's going good but the other day my boss told me I need to "dig deeper" into myself, but the truth is that I'm afraid to dig deeper into myself, afraid that if I dig deep I'll dig too deep into myself. Anyway, my second job is as a pizza delivery man.  Airi, my coworker was a joyful girl who always said jokes to me on my way to deliver pizza.

Airi: don't eat the pizza on the way there!

Airi said in a high and joyful tone, I responded.

Satoru: wasn't planning on it.

"I don't get it, is that a joke only millennials would get." I thought to myself as I
hopped on my bike and went off. Everything seemed normal until I pasted a white truck. (Revival) huh? what happened didn't I already past this area? It all clicked, revival. I look frantically around to see what's wrong, the white truck. "HEY! WAKE UP" the man was either dead or asleep at the wheel no matter that right now if he didn't stop the car right now he was going to hit a child. I drove close to him trying to wake him up I finally grab a hold of his arm, he misses the child by like 5 inches. I smile happily, I saved a child but as a look forward. Crash. I wake up in the hospital with Airi by my side.

Airi: so how'd you sleep

Airi says in a worried voice, I respond in a puzzled tone.

Satoru: I slept good, but what happened?

Airi: the truck driver had a heart attack at the wheel, luckily you were there just in time before he hit the child, but for you, you got in a car crash.

Satoru: how long has it been.

Airi: it's been 2 days

Satoru: 2 days!

Airi: yup

"See, nothing good can come out of helping others...whenever I involve myself in other peoples problems I always get hurt" I think to myself. As I catch a ride home I think about how much safer I could have been if revival didn't exist. It may sound fun but it's really not, I go back in time by about one to five minutes and watch the same scene play out again, usually it happens whenever something bad is about to happen. As I arrive at my apartment I open the door to see my mother cooking.

"Your head alright" she says

"yeah, all good" I say back.

"I'm gonna stay here for a while"

"Ah!? Why"

"My precious baby boy, my only son, hit his head. Least I can do is watch over him"

"I'm telling you, I'm fine"

I can't believe she has stayed the same, she's 52 yet acts as if she were young. By the end of our conversation it was night time and she had hogged the bed and tv.

"Sorry about Hogging the bed and tv" she said, placing down her 4th beer.

"Nah, it's fine" I say back.

"What I'm really worried about is having to be careful using the bathroom at night" I think in my head.

"by the way, no need to be worried about is having to be careful using the bathroom at night"  she said like she could read my mind.

"She's a demon" I think to myself. As I filled a cup up with sink water  the news starts talking about a missing first grader.

"The first-grader who was reported missing yesterday evening in saitama, was found safe this morning in Yokohama" the news said.

"Say satoru. Do you remember?" My mother said

"Remember what" I questioned

"What happened in our neighborhood when you were in fifth grade, guess your memory of it is hazy. We were desperate, we tried to erase as much of that incident from your memories as possible. Your life was in danger." she said

"When I was in fifth grade?" I thought "kidnapping?, two of my classmates died."(flashback) when I was a kid, there was this guy we called "yuuki" who was around 20 years old, who often played with me. His name wasn't really yuuki, but we called him that because he always talked about "yuuki" or courage. Six months after the incident shiratori jun or yuuki, was arrested as a serial kidnapper and murderer(end of flashback). As I was walking home with my mother and some groceries I get a revival, what was wrong this time? I thought.

"Ma could you look around, anything seems off to you?."

"What are you talking about?, I remember you being like this a long time ago." She said


"I believe it was about a small fire back then."

The mom's point of view:

"Huh? Was he just looking at me?"

Satoru's point of view:

I hear Airi's voice in the distance.

Airi: Hey!

As all 3 of us walk home together she starts to question me on my mom. We get home and sit down at the table, my mom makes us some dinner. As Airi gets up to leave I volunteer to take her to the station. When I get home my mother says something about getting with Airi, and then tells me that there was an attempted kidnapping that was foiled. A few days go by and I read some books about my elementary I flipped the page I saw a girl I use to know. She was one of my classmates that was kidnapped and killed. Her name was kayo hinazuki, or kayo for short. She was always alone at the park, we weren't really friends, though. Little did I know that would be the last place I ever saw her. (Flashback) I could have saved her, if I'd asked her to walk home with me, hinazuki would still be... (end of flashback). That was what I wanted to forget the most and what my mother tried to make me forget.

Mom's point of view:

Walking in the grocery store I think to myself, "The license on the rental it was definitely a kidnapping attempt, did he give up because he saw me? He hid his face when our eyes met. He knows who I was. I sure I know a man with those eyes. It's on the tip of my tongue, when and where did I meet him." I drop the meat I was holding in shock. I know who he is. "I remember. I remember the man with those eyes. Maybe shiratori wasn't actually the culprit. " I think in my head. I call a detective agency, " hello? It's been awhile. It Sachiko Fujinuma." As a walk home I think "the statue of limitations has passed on the case from 18 years ago. But he's surely committed several crimes with the same MO since then. That case isn't closed yet. I've go to talk to satoru. It's time to tell him about what happened...". Suddenly the door opens. "Satoru?" I say. Jab, blood falls out as I fall to the ground. I thought to myself, " I knew it. I have to call satoru, I have to tell him not to come home.   I have to apologize, I should have listened to him then, even if the police didn't, I, of all people should've believed him. Satoru..., I'm sorry...".

Satoru point of view:

Satoru: I'm heading home, goodnight!

Everyone: good night!

Before I left, Airi asked me to bring her curry. I got home to find my mother lay dead on the floor just then my neighbor came by.  "It's not what it looks like" I say, they screamed and ran. The police were outside my house, I ran the other way. As I ran the other way, a revival?...


A/N: if you found this difficult to read you can kind of just watch episode 1 of the show because even with some differences, tbh this chapter is kind of like the show in terms of it just being background information. I apologize for any messed up text, but with that i hope you enjoy this chapter and tune in for chapter two :)🩷

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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