"You can take me hot to go"

Her voice was filled with flirtatious charm, laughing a bit every so often.


"You can take me hot to go"

With a confident smile, Aurora's gaze landed on Caitlin, noticing the girl blush immediately as their eyes locked.

As the bridge arrived the crowd was getting even louder, cheering and screaming the song incredibly loud.

"What's it take to get your number? What's it take to bring you home?" 

Aurora's voice was filled with intrigue as she scanned the crowd, her eyes settling on Caitlin in the front row. With a sly smile, Aurora extended her arm, playfully pointing at Caitlin.

"Hurry up, it's time for supper, order up, I'm hot to go" 

As the lyrics continued, Aurora's gaze remained locked on Caitlin.

"What's it take to get your number? Hurry up, it's getting cold"

Hurry up, it's time for supper, order up, I'm hot to go" 

As the song finished Lana approached Caitlin and Kate, her smile warm and welcoming.

"Hi there! I'm Lana," she greeted them with enthusiasm.

"Caitlin," Caitlin replied, her eyes fixed on Aurora 

"And I'm Kate," Kate added, a small smile on her lips.

"Lovely to meet you both," Lana said warmly. "Aurora is incredible, isn't she?"

Caitlin nodded eagerly, her eyes still locked on the blonde girl.

"Don't mind Caitlin, she's trying not to moan right now" Laughed Kate, once again making fun of Caitlin's crush on Aurora. 

Back onstage, Aurora poured her heart into each lyric, her voice soaring effortlessly through the air. She hit high notes with precision, her vocals perfect along with her movements. 

Caitlin couldn't take her eyes off Aurora, her expressions went from smirking a bit when Aurora was dancing to blushing and playfully running her hands through her face when they made eye contact .

Beside her, Kate couldn't contain her excitement. "She's amazing, isn't she? And did you see that look she gave you?"

Caitlin's cheeks flushed "I don't think I've ever felt gayer" she laughed.

After the concert, Caitlin and Kate joined Lana backstage, their excitement extremely obvious.

"Lana" Aurora exclaimed running up to hug her best friend, Caitlin watched from behind Kate, waiting for Aurora to be done. 

"That was incredible," Caitlin whispered in her ear, her eyes shining with admiration as Aurora wrapped her arms around her neck and hugged her. 

"Thanks" she said laughing slightly and kissing her cheek before pulling away

"I'm so glad you enjoyed the show."

Caitlin nodded, a small grin on her face "You were beyond amazing up there."

As Lana and Kate stepped outside to give them privacy, Aurora and Caitlin were left alone in the dressing room. The air was filled with anticipation, and Aurora's gaze lingered on Caitlin's lips.

"You know," Aurora began, her voice soft, "I did come to Iowa for you" she said with a small laugh at the end of her sentence

Caitlin's eyes met Aurora's, smiling at the girl "I'm glad you did, you were perfect out there" She said, getting closer to Aurora. 

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