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"How was the flight?" Uncle Richard asked from Jackie's phone screen.

"Yeah, it was alright."

I crossed my arms and waited for Jackie to hang up.

"Still no sign of Katherine and George?" He questioned.

"No, so why don't we catch a plane back to New York if they don't turn up in, let's say, five minutes." I said sarcasticly.

Jackie shot me a look. I immediately shut my mouth, rolling my eyes.

"I think I see them now, bye." Jackie said quickly and hung up. I let out a relieved sigh and stood up from the bench.

A woman with beautiful long ginger hair ran over.

"Hi girls, you must be Jackie and Hazel!" She said out of breath. I nodded, plastering a fake smile on my face.

"I'm Katherine, and this is George. I'm sure you saw us at the....well, I'm glad to finally say hello!" She said and swept us into a hug.

I stood there awkwardly until she let go.

"Are you hungry? We can get some food." George said and looked around at all the shops.

I looked at Jackie, "Uh no, we're alright, thanks."

I clambered into the car and put in my air pods. This was a fresh start no more uselessly crying over my family. There was nothing I could do to bring them back. I couldn't even go to Supercross anymore. I knew I was going to miss doing stunts on the motorcycles, but at least I wouldn't hurt myself.

After the accident, I pushed myself to hard and had a bad fall smashing up my leg. Luckily, the doctors could fix it, and I could still walk. After that, I had been more careful, but I still didn't try not to get hurt.

I scrolled through tiktok, and a video clip from the news popped up. My mum was on the screen. Seeing her smiling face staring up at me made my heart start thumping in my chest. I quickly turned off my phone and started blasting music through my pods.

George parked the car, and I got out.

"I will get the bags." George said. He went to the boot.

"Need any help?" Katherine asked. George shook his head and smiled.

"Right come along then, you two." She said and walked towards the big yellow house.

Jackie followed after her, and I reluctantly followed, too. All I wanted to do was escape for a bit and have some alone time with no people interrupting.

I heard a shout as a boy sped past on a skateboard, almost running Jackie over. I turned to look at him as he went past.

He looked me up and down before disappearing around the porch. A boy a bit older smiled apologetically and waved.

"Hi." He said and pointed to himself. "Danny."



Katherine opened the door, and we walked inside. The house was messy with toys strewn everywhere. It wasn't uncomfortable. Somehow, it felt like home.

George followed, and a little boy ran out of a room in shorts and a purple swim top.

"Benny, stop running!" He said sternly.

"I'm not running!" He said and sprinted faster around the corner. George chuckled, shaking his head. Katherine went into the kitchen, and George leant against a door frame.

Nothing Without You [Isaac Garcia X Y/n X Cole Walter]Where stories live. Discover now