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It was a day like no other in our prestigious Francisco del Reybur Academy.

Amidst the chaos of busy class schedules and piles of schoolwork, two unlikely souls would cross paths.

Ken was your average student, his presence blending in seamlessly into the tapestry of high school life, with black hair and green eyes, he looked like your average student, with nothing special to him.

In contrast Rai, with his handsome looks and a smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts, was the epitome of popularity. As a star player of the volleyball team, he commanded the admiration of his peers and the envy of his rivals.

Their fateful meeting would seem like an uneventful one.

Ken sat alone on a weathered bench, his gaze lost in the pages of a book, oblivious to the world around him.

As Rai played volleyball, he couldn't land a perfect serve, and so as if guided by an unseen hand, their fateful meeting would come in the form of a stray volleyball.

The ball bounced and hit the oblivious Ken in the face at furious speed with a loud thud.

With a frantic look, Rai ran up to the high schooler with concern in his mind.

"Are you okay?!" He exclaimed, his voice filled with concern.

But there was no response, no flutter of eyelids or reassuring signs of consciousness. Ken laid motionless as the impact of the ball had caused him to black out.

With gentle care, seemingly uncharacteristic for a big guy like him, Rai carried Ken to the school's infirmary.

"Hopefully it wasn't anything serious" he thought to himself.

Putting Ken in the bed with care, he asked the nurse if Ken was going to be okay, to which she affirmed to Rai that Ken was going to be okay.

As he tucked the blankets around Ken's form, he couldn't help but feel a surge of relief at seeing him safe and sound.

Rai had decided to stay with Ken until he woke up out of guilt.

Despite the chaos that had brought them together, he had watched Ken sleep soundly, his beautifully average looks made somewhat of an impression on Rai.

His messy black hair framed his appearance in a halo of white light as his face was illuminated by the overhead lights of the infirmary.

When Ken had woken up after a long while, his eyelids fluttered to reveal a confused gaze. As Ken's gaze slowly focused, Rai could see the confusion clouding his eyes

With a sigh of relief, Rai exclaimed "Hey you, you're finally awake."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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