06 - 🖤Feelings

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Yellow's POV
This is Yellow's pov but while the events of chapter 5 were happening. Lucky you guys, you fuckers get 2 POVs at once :>

As Yellow dropped Blue off at his house, he got the car started to drive to his own. He was feeling a little hungry, so he decided to stop to get something to eat. Hm.. McDonald's. He simply thought. Cheap and still tasty. So, he stopped at a drive thru to order something pretty simple. Some chicken nuggets, fries and a milkshake. Per usual.

Once he got home, he started to eat while watching a movie. Once he finished, he stood up and went to his phone which he left on the table. He sighed before calling a number..
No answer. Maybe leave a message?
He sighed shakily as he spoke. "Hey mom.. I know this is like the 5th time I've called you this week.. but uhm.. I would love to hear your voice right now.." His breath and voice got shakier with each word. "I know you.. don't know if I'm even alive at this point.. or how I'm contacting you but.. I really need you in my life.." Tears fell down his cheeks as he struggled to stop them from flowing.
"I feel.. sad. I feel like a failure and could use you right now.." He sighs again, forcing a smile.
"But.. I-I got into my dream college and am majoring in engineering..! Hehe, well, it's getting late. I guess I'll call you again soon.. hopefully not too soon!" He said as he hung up the phone, before sitting down against the wall and just cried. That's all he did, was cry.

Just then, that's when he heard a knock at his door. Who could be here at this hour??
"C-coming!" He shouted, cleaning himself up in the downstairs bathroom before opening the door. It was none other than.. Green! Who simply just walked in.
"Ah.. you should of informed me you were coming over, I would've had more time to prepare." Yellow spoke, as green looked at him.
"And you should of told me you were crying." He huffed, crossing his arms. Yellow was confused. He knew?? How??
"H-how did you know? Not that I was crying or anything just—"
"Yellow. Your eyes are still red from crying." Green spoke. That made Yellow a little embarrassed.. shit! He's right. Yellow sighed, sitting down on the couch, as Green sat next to him.

"Youuuu.. gonna tell me what's wrong or.. whatever..?" Green asked. He wasn't really that good at this whole comforting thing. That was usually Yellow's job. But it was clear to him that this time, Yellow was the one who needed comforting. Tears went down Yellow's face as he sighed shakily. This made Green a little more concerned.
"I uhm.. it's honestly alot, you know.. I wouldn't want to burden you with this shit." He silently spoke as Green sighed.

"Yellow. You're my partner, my compadre, my amigo, my work colleague, better yet— my friend. I seriously care alot about you and your well-being.— which is alot, coming from me. I've only known you for 2 years but I know that things don't usually bother you so whatever this is, it's clearly big and you're bottling it up inside. If you need someone to talk to, I'm right here." He spoke. He hoped that was enough to make Yellow feel calmer. Yellow glanced around the room, before sighing.

"About 3 years ago.. I found out that my adoptive mom, isn't my.. real mom. It was alot.." He sighed again, more shakily this time. As he did, Green put his arm around him to comfort his friend. "She was nice enough to give me her contacts and so.. I tried everything. To email her, text her, call her. I've even sent her gifts every Mother's Day.. nothing. It's like she doesn't care that I exist."
"Hmm.." Green spoke up. "Do you know why she put you up for adoption in the first place..?" He said, to which Yellow shook his head no.
"Maybe she just.. I dunno.. never wanted a kid in the first place.." He said as he got up to open a window. Once he did, he sat back down, lighting a cigarette and smoking.
"Y-yeah but I'm 19 now! I-I'm a responsible adult, able to take care of myself, the burden is gone!" He said, getting more aggressive.
"Yeah.." Green started up again. "This shit gets kinda messy, man. Maybe she don't wanna live with the guilt of knowin' she gave you up. Maybe she had no choice, y'know. I mean, Look on the bright side, you have loving parents that care for you alot and a sister that visits you monthly. And hey.. if she didn't want a kid in the first place, rather than signing up for an abortion, she chose to have you. She chose to put you into this world but passed you onto someone else so that you could have a betta life. That counts for something right?" He said, taking another puff of smoke to which Yellow sighed.

"Yeah.. you're Right."
"Of course I am, bitch." Green smirked, elbowing Yellow.
Yellow smiled. "Thanks. I really needed to talk about it."
"No worries. It's honestly not my thing but I still try." Green got up. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I gotta piss." He said and walked away to the bathroom. Yellow smiled weakly as he stood up. He checked his phone for any new messages from his mom. None.
He sighs, trying not to stress about it and decided to put on a movie. He then gets up to make some dinner. He liked the background noise. As Green came out the bathroom and sat on the couch to watch the movie, Yellow started to cook. About an hour later it was done and he turned to see Green fast asleep on the couch. He sighed with a smile, grabbing some blankets from the closet and putting them over him. He goes to eat his food and puts the rest in the fridge. He cleans up all the dishes and turns off the lights, before heading upstairs to his room.
He looks at his phone as he gets into bed. No messages from mom yet. But then, he receives a message from Blue.

"Good night, bestie!!"  Seeing the Text made him smile. He couldn't help but blush at it aswell. Okay so maaaaybe he has a crush on Blue. But there was no way he'd like him back!
Anyways, he replied to the message.
"Good night, Bluberry." He smiled at the message again before shutting off his phone and putting it on the nightstand to charge. Wireless charger moment. He turns off the lights and finally gets some rest for tomorrow.


Rah rah ah ah ah
Anyways yeah woahhhh yellow angst real!!
Yellow is always depicted as the comfort friend in these stories but what happens when the tables are turned? 👀
Hopefully I can focus more on dark and chosen after this one. Maybe sprinkle in a lil victim :>

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