"It's snowing." Remarked Cregan with a slight grin, the corner of his lip tugging upwards just slightly. "It's only nearing autumn. It won't stick." Protested Valaena as she stared up at the sky. "Mhmm." Cregan hummed as he offered Valaena his arm. "Winter is coming."

Valaena bit the inside of her cheek as she and Cregan made their way back into the keep. To the hall, where a feast was to be held.

Her mother would depart shortly after.

Cregan hadn't said many words to her, they made her way towards the keep in comfortable silence. Was he waiting for her to break it? Should she? What even would she say.

"Your cloak is very heavy."

Valaena almost quit walking to chastise herself at the realization of what she had said. She felt her cheeks heat up.

Cregan's lauhh filled her ears. "It's your cloak now, Princess Lady Valaena Stark."

She frowned, would she ever learn to speak in the same accent as he did. His sharp R's? Stark

Valaena looked up at her now husband noticing how it was still snowing, yet none of it would stick. "I'll need it soon then."

"Mhm." Hummed Cregan as he shared a grin with one of his men. He gave Valaena a smile. "Allow me."

He didn't wait for Valaena to answer him before he slightly bent down to her level. "Northen Traditions Princess." Cregan Stark slid his arms around her legs and back, lifting her up as he held her close to his chest. He was warm, almost hot like a hearth,
Valaena nearly choked on her breath at the sudden movement. She let out a soft shriek as he lifted her over the entrance to the Keep, before setting her back down. She felt her cheeks redden even more.

She didn't know what to say, so instead she averted her gaze. Fiddling with the clasp on her cloak. He reached out to help her, his hands taking the heavy hide of her shoulders. She was glad to be rid of it. It smelled rather odd and it made her shoulders too hot.

"Come, there's a banquet to celebrate our wedding."

"I wish to say my farewells to my family first." Spoke Valaena. "Join your men."

"Allow me to join you Princess."

"Lord." Valaena offered him a soft smile. Despite them trying to call themselves by their first names, Valaena liked him using her title. It made her feel less torn from her old life.

He didn't frown when she refused to call him my Lord, by law she was supposed to, even as a Princess. He was her husband.

She averted her gaze from his as she stepped closer to her mother. Looking for her in the crowd of Lord's and Ladies who had been able to attend the hastened wedding.

"Mother." Breathed Valaena out as she felt her mother wrap her arms around her only daughter. "I am very proud of you." Whispered Rhaenyra before kissing her daughter's temple. "I'll write to you, once we have arrived home, as I will write to your Grandsire, both of them, that you've now wed. Princess Rhaenys might wish to visit to extend her congratulations, as might my half sister mhm." Rhaenyra pushed some loose strands out of Valaena's face. "Do you wish for me to stay with you? Daemon and Luke can tend to Aegon."

"No." Promised Valaena as she softly squeezed her mother's hand. "Go see to my brother, see that he is well. I shall visit you all soon."

Valaena smiled as Lucerys wrapped his arms around his sister. They exchanged brief promised. Before the Princess setlled on her stepfather. Who nodded at her. "You'll do good Val." Promised Daemon. He bent forward slightly. Then spoke so softly that only she could hear.

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