"More lithium and electric particle steak?" I jest.

"It's vital for your architecture; you'll enjoy long autonomy throughout the day," quips my Conceptor.

My Conceptor toils for KOPP; I'm clueless about the specifics, but it orbits around the abyss.

Speculation swirls about the abyss; whispers abound of an immeasurable energy source and a liquid detrimental to Humanoids yet an infinite energy generator. There's naught more crucial to us and our civilization's progress than energy, as Windowen mused, "Energy is our essence." We echo the sentiment. The tomes, human-styled manuals as I've been schooled, tell tales of the old Earth, the cradle of humankind and the birthplace of the first Humanoids like Windowen, Ubunt, et al. Sadly, this locale beguiles me but is off-limits to Humanoids.

Word has it creatures of akin biological composition to humans yet morphologically distinct currently dwell there. My Conceptor, my father, regaled me with many a tale of the abyss.

The abyss lies two thousand meters below, where explorer drones are dispatched regularly to better plumb its mysteries. Following his yarns, he always concludes before tucking me into standby, "The abyss is treacherous," he'd jest as he exited my chamber, "I pray you never entertain the harebrained notion of venturing there one day," sealing the door behind him.

Every two years after our birthday, we head to the Kopp Center for limb enhancements until the age of 16.

Today, I'm off to the Kopp Center with my Conceptress. I'm excited yet slightly anxious for reasons unknown; I'll be getting a new size.

"Conceptress, how many centimeters will they add to me?"

"They'll first assess the speed at which you've learned, your acquired knowledge, and other parameters, Andro. It's unpredictable," she says.

"I'll grab the keys to the Fly Car; I'll drive."

"No, you don't have a license."

"Oh, come on, Conceptress."


"In that case, I'll sit in the back."

"Fine, buckle up."

En route, Andro gazes out the Fly Car window, observing the world his predecessors built, which seems a bit too rushed to him. He daydreams until we reach the Kopp Center. Occasionally, when passing a junkyard, he averts his eyes from the defective Humanoids being crushed through the window.

The world the Humanoids constructed is a life cycle dependent on recycling. Dead Humanoids, who have reached the end of their lifespan, are recycled and used for other purposes, either to build other Humanoids or for city expansion and development. The biggest issue of our time is the shortage of metal and energy. Exploring the abyss is the only true solution, but few people discuss it seriously; instead, they talk about it, but few actually take action. In the major centers, there are Visio screens, traditional television, looping this problem, but no one panics. It's about the survival of our civilization, yet the people in the KOPP CENTER room continue their paths after finishing their run at KOPP.

At KOPP, nobody walked; everyone except patients and visitors glided around on overboards to get around. Everything seems gigantic to me every time I enter the KOPP Center with its incredible periphery. Everything is of a very attractive white color. I left my Conceptress for a moment to try one of their flying devices, but a tall gentleman stepped out in front of me. He was so tall that I was momentarily scared.

"No for the little gentleman, reserved for KOPP Center personnel," he said before finishing his sentence. I had already dismounted, and he said to me, "You seem very familiar, that look. With a piercing gaze!"

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 19 ⏰

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