CHAPTER 2- Her Beloved Family

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"Welcome home, Ma'am Sapphire, Sir Eros!" Mrs. Jackson said after hugging me. I hugged her back and kissed her cheek.

" Thank you, Mrs. Jackson. Glad to see you again. How's everything here?" I said as we entered the living room.

"Everything is fine, Sappy dear. I already prepared the two bedrooms for both of you. The chef and the two maids that work

here already know your arrangement and sign an NDA contract to keep their mouth shut," she replied.

" Thank you so much for everything you have done for us," I uttered gratefully.

I look around the home that I miss so much. Mrs. Jackson takes care of it. Nothing changed as if I never left.

Mrs. Jackson is been with us since my brother was a baby. She was our nanny. Employers come and go in this house but Mrs. Jackson never leaves. She dedicated her life to us. She became our mother figure when my mom passed away.

She wasn't here when Ares left and joined the Navy, she was on her yearly vacation with her family in Kansas. So when she found out that he had left, she was heartbroken, until Ares called her.

When I was heartbroken, she helped me with my papers and sent me away to this place. For five years, I didn't dare to go home, until now. We talked all the time though, and she knew the reason why I and Eros decided to get married.

"It was my responsibility. We are family," she squeezed my hand softly and her eyes widened. "Speaking of family, Ares is coming tomorrow.

Did he decide to come home?"

She looks so happy to know that my brother is coming. Since my brother left to work in a Naval Base in Korea. He never once visited Texas but he always calls us when he can.

Before I could answer, Eros's phone rang. He declines the call and looks at me. I nodded.

Eros kissed my forehead. "I'll be in your dad's office."

He gave Mrs. Jackson a side hug before he disappeared to my dad's home office.

"You two are perfect for each other. If only this relationship is real," Mrs. Jackson said dreamily.

I chuckled. "We are both happy with our setup, Mrs. Jackson and you know why. And speaking of my brother, yes Ma'am. He is coming home for a while to show his support to our father and my relationship with Eros."

I link my arms to hers and walk to the stairs towards my room on the upper floor. Mrs. Jackson keeps me updated, on all the gossip

in the town. But I'm thankful that she avoids mentioning the family that was responsible for my father's condition.

I have no doubts, he was part of my heartbreak, years ago. I let it go but now that he is almost the reason for taking my father's life.

Jonathan Elizalde will face me now that I'm the new CEO of my father's company. If he thinks, he is the only one that has the dirty trick in his sleeves then he will think again.

"LOVE, granddad will hold a party for our union, in three days. They want the public to know our relationship and the merger of our company,"

Eros informed me while we were eating our dinner.

"Well, I think I have to call my assistant to get me a new dress. Do you think, granddad will invite them?" I asked Eros and continue


"I'm sure love. You can face him now with head high and I'll be in your side."

I smiled at him gratefully. I'm thankful for his help always. I can't wait to face Jonathan Elizalde and show him that he failed to take down my father's company. Though he thought the Yap Corporation bought our company. We will simply surprise them at Granddad's arranged party for us.

On the next day, I busied myself in the kitchen and helped our cook prepare all the favorite food of my brother. I miss him. We only talked through Skype once in a while when I was in Germany. He also knows the deal I have with Eros and the reason why we got married. He supported my decision.

"Love, Ares is on his way," Eros announced when he entered the kitchen. He kissed my cheek before taking one of the spring rolls that I cooked.

My smile widens upon hearing the news. "Thanks, love."

I'm excited to meet my brother again. I have no idea what kind of work Ares has in the Navy. He was always secretive when it came to his work. We don't even know that he was in Navy school or wherever he studied. But I'm glad to know that he is safe. And knowing he chose to be with us despite his disappointment with our father, means he still cares for him.

When Dad was healthy, he often called me. He realized that he had children when all of us left him. He tried to persuade me to come back home but I was too heartbroken to listen. He learned and did his best to build our relationship through calls and in some ways it works. The last time we talked days before he had a heart attack, he didn't show any stress in his voice or having a problem in our company. He was good at hiding his true feelings until it was too late.

An hour before lunch, I heard the car park in the driveway. Because I'm only waiting in the living room, I immediately run towards the door and come outside.

My driver is opening the backseat while I wait on the porch. I'm eager to see my brother again. When he stepped out of the car. I was awed by the changes in his body because of his work. He looks so different from the camera.

"Baby sis!" his baritone voice echoed in my ear. He is here!

Crying, I launched myself towards him. He catches me and fiercely hugs me. I cried in his chest and hugged him as much as I could. "I miss you so much, baby sis."

"Oh! I miss you so much, brother!" I whispered. "Welcome home!"

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