404s Training, Part 2.

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"Bravo, bravo. Now... You'll have you fight me." J told me as he stood up and teleported in front of me. "FIGHT you? That's suicidal I mean-" I was interrupted as a Sol Blaster exploded in front of me, sending me flying to the edge of the Eden Orb. "I'll be suppressing myself, and don't pay attention to people talking, attack them quickly." He told me as he summoned bone walls to protect himself while he was talking. I was silent, transforming into P404 and summoning millions of clones to explode in contact with him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. A second later I found myself in front of my own clones that exploded in my face, injuring me. "That's another trick you need to learn. Switching positions with the enemy." He told me with a stern voice unrivaled by anyone, even me. "I feel like I'm Error and he's 404 teaching me things." I thought. The comparison was funny. I remained focused though, attacking him when given the chance. He flawlessly dodged my attacks while he rushed me with two bones. I teleported up only to be met by an Eden Ray to the face, heavily injuring me. "That's another weakness. Teleporting up in a battle isn't optional if you wanna be ambushed. The tricks you use are good I admit, but you need to improve. Who will protect our Eden Orb when I'm not here?" He told me with a firm voice. "...." I remained silent. "Now fight me again, this time remember the things I told-" I attacked him immediately with dozens of God Rays which he dodged with a bit of shock in his face. "Wow I guess you-" He parries my attacks and summons more "learned the things I taught you." He said as he froze me with his Suppressed God Mastery. I broke out of it just in time as a Sol blaster nearly rammed against me. "Impressive, 404, but can you beat me when I become serious?" He told me, his eyes flaring with black and red flames. I teleported behind him, but it was too late. He teleported behind me and stabbed me with a sharp bone, and punched me up. I tried teleporting, but he was too fast. He kicked my skull and rammed 5 Sol blasters against me, my body unrecognizable. "You must always be serious in battle if you don't have the shit to back up your cockiness." He said, his voice still firm but with worry. "It's okay J, there's still so much time for-" I was interrupted as J sensed a presence trying to break in the Eden Orb. He opened a screen to see who it was, and it was...the Bio-Conduit, Merus, along with his mother Edra. "Watch me fight. I'll be right back." He spoke out as he teleported behind Edra, punching her and dodging an arrow from Merus. Mother and Son together, they both rushed him. J deflected their attacks. He kicked Merus and put him in front of one of Edra's attacks. "You wouldn't dare!" Edra told him as she unsummoned her attack. He said nothing as a Hollow Ray hit her, sending them flying to dozens of blasters J summoned, exploding them both. By now they were exhausted and injured, with J teleporting in front of them, his arms crossed. He looked disappointed. "Pathetic. Now who should I kill first?" He said as he uncrossed his arms, summoning a Hollow Ray on his left hand and a Semi-True Eden Ray on his right. "......." Edra and Merus looked at each other. Just then an axe would go flying behind J, almost hitting him if he didn't catch it.

"Why is he so stern now? Wasn't he just cocky earlier? And who's axe is that?" I asked myself as the individual was revealed to be... "Thum, the void knight." He said as he threw Thum's axe at him. "You have two choices, you can come peacefully or-" *catches his axe by the handle* "come along by-" He didn't finish what he was gonna say as J immediately fired a Eden Ray at him, injuring him. He looked mad at J, so he slashed him multiple times, but he was uninjured. He teleported behind Thum, summoning a bone wall behind himself while he blasted Thum once again with his Eden Ray. He couldn't react fast enough, being caught in the explosion. He was still standing, albeit with trouble. J teleported in front of him and punched him with such force it sent him flying to the barrier. I was surprised on how serious he was. Normally he would be cocky, but now? He was stern. Very stern. J kicked Thum upwards where he summoned a Sol Blaster above him and an Eden Blaster below him while he froze Thum with his G o d Mastery. Thum couldn't react, he was frozen as he was hit by the two blasters, the shockwave destroying countless Eden Orbs. He went to the (almost) lifeless body of Thum and spoke out. "As strong as you are, you were no match against me. Any last words?" He asked Thum. "...." He looked at J with a pained expression. "Fair enough." J said as he ended Thum with a True Eden Ray, gaining his power as well as his Axe. I was stunned. "He's this powerful when serious? He didn't even use any transformations yet." I told myself.

"Now for my next target." He spoke out. He told me that Edra and Merus fled. He teleported his next target, the Conduit of Passion/O'Brien in front of him and immediately punched him with his fist infused with Destruction, Balance, Death and Envy. Though he was hit, O'Brien wasn't that injured, must be from his powers. J looked unimpressed, teleporting behind O'Brien and then in front of him, as he summoned an Eden Ray behind and in front of him. O'Brien, through his powers, tanked it, but due to the debuff from Balance it wasn't much. J, who's attacks wasn't infused with any Conduit effects yet, attacked O'Brien relentlessly with all the Conduit souls he absorbed infused into his attacks. O'Brien had his skull remaining, as John covered his body with a purple aura. "Last words?" He said as he stumped his feet on what remains of O'Brien. "...." O'Brien couldn't move or use his powers. This enemy was too strong. J killed O'Brien, absorbing his power to do anything if passionate enough, as well as his Cosmic Rain.

Another Reincarnation Fanfic. [On hiatus]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin