3. Wheel's On the Bus

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Tryin' to ignore it, it's fucking boring, 

I'm quietly observing

Yuu was awoken by the ghosts and Grim's complaining, but got dressed nonetheless, with a uniform that was labeled for him, and on that same note was a letter addressed to him and Grim.

"Yeesh, talk about short lived happiness" Grim complained, the letter explained that despite your outburst, Grim and Yuu were expected to still assigned to be handymen since Grim was a monster and Yuu was magicless. But you possessed magic, and the only real restriction was that you were just a girl so Crowley let you off. (Or so he claims thats the reason but you call bullshit)

Yuu and Grim walked down stairs, officially changed, Yuu would never admit out loud that he was kind of sad that his uniform was altered to not really look like the other students, as his was kind of like a janitor and a normal uniform fused, but anyway. When he walked back down stairs, he saw that all the clutter he saw from the previous night was cleared, only leaving the disheveled, yet necessary furniture from before.

"Woah, did you do all this Velvette?" Yuu asked, his eyes stopped exploring the room and fell onto you, and he had to say, you looked amazing, he noticed that your uniform was altered.

The black uniform blazer that he was wearing on his shoulders, was tied around your waist, the color had been slightly lightened to resemble a more night sky blue look. While his suit vest was colored a solid black, yours had two pink hearts that were slightly lighter than the pink in your hair, as for where it was placed, one each was on your breasts.

Your skirt matched the color of your blazer, it stopped right below your mid thigh, above your socks, which were striped, one leg was striped with a pattern of pinkish red and black, while the other was white and black. Your dress shirt's sleeves were rolled up, possibly even cut, above your elbows, and black fingerless gloves fitting snug on your hands. If you couldn't tell, he thought you looked stunning.

You finally noticed the two and looked up from your phone. "Oh finally you two decided to wake up" you complained.

"You two will be cleaning Main Street, I'll tag along since I have nothing better to do today." You said, looking back at your screen.

Ever since Crowley gave you a charger that magically worked on your phone, and gave you the WiFi passcode, your phone, which used to adore a style of alternative theme, but now it was much more of a gothic theme, the color scheme still suited you (thank goodness). However, all your apps and contacts were eradicated, and when you tried to type Vox's number in, it just told you that the number didn't exist, making you even more worried and annoyed, but you were beyond relieved when some of your pictures were saved, but it was very few, only a few snapshots of highlights of your careers with Valentino and Vox.

Despite your nonchalant and harsh exterior, you were worried. You were part of one of the biggest overlords back at hell, and you already built a rep, you wondered how the others were taking this, how were the other Vees doing? Better? worse? Did that unlucky bitch finally pull herself together? Well it didn't matter now.

The only thing you could really do was to swallow your doubts and wear your confident and brash face, because suddenly Crowley bursted through the door. "I am here, as your headmaster to give you all items required to take classes at NRC, for I am gracious" You audibly groaned as he clapped his hands rhythmically, a pen spawned out of thin air.

𝕋𝕎𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔼𝔻 ℍ𝔼𝔸𝕍𝔼ℕ  ➼Twisted Wonderland x Hazbin! F!ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ