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Dooo pulled up to Matt's house, grinning lightly to himself. He could see Soup's and McNasty's cars sitting next to Matt's already in the driveway, which meant everyone was already here.

He grabbed his bag and headed up to the door, knocking confidently. The door opened and Dooo looked up with a grin at McNasty, the taller smirking as he patted Dooo on the head.

"Sup shortstack," he teased and Dooo rolled his eyes, shoving his way past the other. "Hey Dooo!" Matt called from the kitchen, Dooo waving and tossing his bag in the corner.

"McNasty, this isn't your house, why do you keep answering the door," Soup asked amused and McNasty just flipped him off, making Dooo laugh.

"He likes to feel special, so he became the butler," Dooo teased and McNasty gasped as Soup and Matt laughed. "Fuck you, asshole," McNasty said and Dooo winked at him.

"Maybe later," he joked and McNasty rolled his eyes. "Right, Dooo, you're bunking with McNasty, second door on the left, get your shit out of my living room," Matt interrupted and Dooo gave a sarcastic salute before grabbing his bags.

Once he'd deposited his things and returned, Matt said, "I've got us stuff to grill for dinner, but I forgot the sodas, who wants to come with me and get them?"

"I'll go," Soup said easily, getting up from the couch and Dooo made a face as McNasty. "No way you're leaving me here with this guy all alone," he mock complained and McNasty threw a couch pillow at him.

"You can survive, it'll be no more than 30 minutes to an hour," Matt said with an eye roll and Dooo gasped. "He just assaulted me, didn't you see that?" He demanded, throwing the pillow back and Matt patted his head, avoiding the swats Dooo swung at him.

"You're a big boy," Matt cooed and Dooo stuck his tongue out at him. The taller just laughed and left with Soup, the door closing behind them.

Dooo moved to flop down on the couch with McNasty, tossing his legs over the others lap. "So what we doing the next hour? Hopefully nothing requiring too much brainpower, don't need you burning out before Matt and Soup get back," Dooo teased and McNasty tossed him a look.

"Jesus christ man, what crawled up your ass and gave you the asshole disease?" McNasty complained and Dooo shrugged. "I like seeing your reactions in person, you're too cute," he joked and McNasty smacked him with the pillow again.

This dissolved into a full pillow fight, McNasty easily gaining the upper hand as Dooo tried to fight back. Finally Dooo just tossed the pillow aside and shoulder tackled McNasty in the gut, the two tumbling to the couch.

"Ha, gotcha bitch," Dooo cheered from where he was sitting on McNasty's lap. "You cheated asshole," McNasty complained, pushing Dooo onto the floor.

"I did no such thing, McNasty, I played my strengths. I am offended-" Dooo started playfully as he stood up but was cut off when McNasty's pillow smacked him in the face.

"Yeah, yeah, suck my dick," McNasty said with an eye roll and Dooo smiled brightly. "Okay," he said, dropping the pillow at McNasty's feet and dropping to his knees in front of him.

McNasty's eyes went wide, mouth opening but no words coming out. Dooo gave him an innocent smile, running his hands up the others inner thighs but not getting too far up. He may be pushing this a little, but he still wouldn't go too far if McNasty didn't say yes.

"I mean, we've got time. I don't mind helping a friend out," Dooo mused, eyes on McNasty's face but seeing the twitch in the others jeans.

"Dude, the fuck?" McNasty choked out and Dooo tilted his head. "You told me to suck your dick. I might not have any experience, but I know what I like," he said casually, as if it was a completely normal thing for one man to offer a blow job to his guy friend.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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