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Here it is again.

The practice room.

The place where all their memories exist - whether it's joyful or painful. Utahime just arrived and she is sure that Satoru is already here since she saw his bag placed on the couch but he is nowhere to be found - maybe inside the bathroom. She placed her bag on the small table and started stretching as he stood in front of the huge mirror. Even her bag has no business being near to her ex's belongings.

Utahime can see from the reflection that her dance partner just came from the bathroom maybe to change into his practice clothes. Her ex-boyfriend is staring at him while she is stretching. She tried to ignore it but she was losing her focus even more as the white-haired boy smirked when she did the split.

'Pervert.' she uttered under his nose.

"Are you done? Let's start." Satoru said flatly.

Satoru started to teach the steps that he choreographed and revised per Utahime's request. She can say that it's really clean and well-choreographed. There's no denying of Satoru's talent.

She was asked if she wanted to add some steps that she might think would make their piece better. However, she didn't say anything because she couldn't think of anything. Was it because she didn't know what to add or she's out of her mind because some of the steps required them to hold each other's hand, eye contact, and touch which is kind of awkward to do in their situation? It might be a good opportunity to ask for another revision. But, words were not escaping from her mouth. She hates it, right? Why can't she just say it?

Utahime can't understand her ex-boyfriend. He was the one who made the steps so why did he include those too intimate steps? Is he aware that it's too awkward for her? Before, they loved dancing with their bodies close to each other. Did Satoru do it with a purpose?

'There's no way!' 

They keep on repeating the same part which is the most awkward part and Satoru is losing his patience to his partner. Utahime can't look in his eyes directly, she can't hold his hand and she can't touch him. He lightly pushed Utahime away from him and stopped the music.

"What the fuck Utahime? How are we going to perfect this if you keep on being awkward?" Satoru yelled at the dark-haired girl.

"Gojo, I'm tired. Let's just continue this tomorrow." she tried to avoid the boy Satoru said something that made her tear up.

"Stop making excuses for fuck sake. I thought you don't give a shit on our past, but why are you still acting like you do? Please, stop putting your personal feelings here. It's not about you. It's about our project. We've been clear about it." The boy screamed.

It hurts a lot to hear that from the person you used to love. She wiped her tears away harshly and retorted.

"You're right! I still can't move on! Now, are you happy? It's hard for me to forget you. Bullshit. You're such a curse." she then left the practice room which brought another bad memory for them.

That practice room became the witness of their relationship. In that place, everything started. their first meeting happened there as well as their blooming feelings for each other. That's the place where Satoru started courting Utahime, where she gave her sweetest yes to him, where they made love, and the worst... where they broke up.

The practice room went dead and silent. Satoru collapsed on the floor thinking how he pushed her buttons, spilling her true feelings. He let the feeling of heaviness succumb to his body as he closed his eyes.

GojoHime Chats #1 [JJK Epistolary]Where stories live. Discover now