Divorce and truth

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Authors pov:

Scene starts from ruhi crying and armaan telling abhira off for telling vidya about the divorce papers.

"Just leave abhira, get lost" armaan said as Ruhi was sobbing uncontrollably.

Abhira left the room only to return minutes later to hear the most heartbreaking news.

"Please give her a divorce armaan, it hurts seeing you with her, we love each other right? So what's the harsh in two loved ones getting together?" She sobbed hugging him.

"Ruhi calm down don't cry you'll fall ill" armaan pleaded, whereas abhira was stunned.

They claimed to be bestfriends but they're lovers? Lovers? But she was starting to love armaan, wasnt she worthy of any love? Her heartbroke. It felt as if someone was constantly stabbing at her heart, the one she loved, loves another.

Abhiras hands started shaking, her palms started to get sweaty before she took a quick corner and locked herself in her bathroom, slid against the bathroom door and sobbed to her hearts extent.

"Why armaan? Why couldn't you tell me. Mumma why did you leave me, see I'm going through my first heartbreak after you left and your not even here to comfort me anymore please come back mumma, please I'll do anything, just come back to me."

Abhira sobbed and sobbed, the tears were not stopping. She felt betrayed but did she have the right when they were in a marriage of a deal?
But she started to love him..

"Abhira!" Armaan called out from their bedroom. She covered her mouth to muffle her sobs but her hands were shaking, her heart was aching.

She knew crying wasn't gonna help, but what else could she do? She was feeling an overwhelming amount of pain. She wondered the pain ruhi felt seeing her with armaan, she didn't want someone to feel the same pain she's going through. She didn't want to get in the way of two love birds.

So she made the decision to remove herself, she started wiping her tears and once she was sure armaan had left she packed her bags, signed the divorce papers and headed downstairs to tell everyone the truth and bid her bye.

Upon hearing noise the poddars, who were all sitting and making plans for the upcoming days, looked towards the cause of that noise.
And the once happy faces dropped to astonished one's.

"Abhira, where are you going? Why did you pack your things?" Armaan asked her in a hurry as if he was losing something so dear so him and couldn't bear witness.

"Abhira bacha where do you think you're going this late at night?" Madhav asked.

"Abhira what are those papers in your hand?" Manisha asked.

"Divorce papers" abhira said with no emotions left to show, and everyone gasped in shock whereas for armaan everything had seemed to slip beneath his feet.

"What are you on about?!?" Vidya said slightly angry thinking ruhi was once again the cause.

"You can't be divorcing me" Armaan said in a hurtful tone.

"Ladki what's this drama!" Dadi sa said.

"I have something to tell you all nobody will interfere until I'm finished. Ruhi and armaan love each other and I don't want to get in between two lovers that why armaan was gonna divorce me for ruhis sake. And I want them to be happy with their lives so I decided to divorce him and move elsewhere so I don't get in the way of their new lives. And please let's all just accept it and move on- " abhira pleaded

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