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Private Space

Ieiri Shoko, Geto Suguru and 5+ people in space

Ieiri Shoko: Welcome back Utahime! 

Geto Suguru: nice seeing you again

Nanami Kento: Hello Utahime. Welcome back. We're glad you arrived safely

Iori Utahime: Hello everyone. I miss you all~ 

Ieiri Shoko: miss you too. we don't have much time to catch up today.

Iori Utahime: let's do so on weekends. ;)

Ieiri Shoko: Sure :))

Geto Suguru: glad to know you are enrolled in our school again

Geto SuguruI thought you would not because of Satoru|[backspace]

Mei Mei: Souvenir? hello anyway

Iori Utahime: I'll give it to you on the weekend. :)

Mei Mei: Thank you Utahime! Make sure it's something nice

Ieiri Shoko: girl be asking for expensive gifts first before greeting the newcomer first. that's mei mei for you

Mei Mei: priorities first. Utahime knows that

Geto Suguru: Really? HAHAHAHAHA.

Nanami Kento: Regardless of the present's price, it's the thought that counts. Utahime took the time and effort to buy us gifts even if she didn't have to. we should appreciate that.

Iori Utahime: Awww. Thank you so much, Nanami. I'm okay don't worry. I'm used to Mei mei's antic. Hahaha

Nanami Kento: How are you anyway? Have you adjusted already?

Iori Utahime: Well a little bit pissed because of that bastard.

Geto Suguru: OHHHHH

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