First Meeting

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"Grim, today's the day! And the best part is that no one is going to bother me or ruin this meeting because I kept it a secret!" Yuu exclaims, getting out of bed and starting her morning routine. "Can't forget a little skincare plus makeup."

"You look great, human," Grim compliments, jumping onto the counter.

"Thank you. Are you sure you'll be ok by yourself for a couple of hours?" Yuu asks, petting her cat.

"Nyah, of course I will. I'm a predator! One of the most feared animals on land!"

"Aww! In that case, I'll be back home by 3 pm, my apex predator."

Yuu puts on a pair of jean shorts with white frills, a yellow shirt with daisies, and a simple pair of white Converses. She grabs her phone, purse, and lipgloss, then heads out the door. Yuu goes into the Hall of Mirrors, thinking of the town the cafe is in, then walks through. When she gets to the other side, she sees a bustling, elegant town similar to Paris but with more sparkle. Yuu walks through the streets until she finds their meeting place and walks inside, texting Eric.

"Hi, I hope I didn't keep you waiting," Yuu says, sitting across from Eric at their table.

He is speechless. Yuu's glowing skin, complemented by a sunkissed tan, makes him see a golden aura around her.

"I'm sorry, that's so rude of me. You didn't keep me waiting at all. What do you want to eat here? I heard this place has a good coffee and brunch menu," Eric replies, hiding the blush on his cheeks.

"I think I'll just have chicken and waffles with some orange juice," Yuu responds, opening her menu. "By the way, thanks for suggesting this place."

"No problem. As for the business deal, how do you feel about your own line of products for monster caretaking? I know a good chemist, and she could formulate something for a product line. All she needs is some of Grim's fur."

"I love the idea. Could she make multivitamins or something for the digestive, too? Grim likes to eat random things from the ground."

"I'm sure she could. It must be such a hassle being famous so young and being the only girl at an all-boys school as well."

"Oh, stop. I'm only 18. Besides, the boys are pretty nice when you get to know them after peeling back at least ten layers of character flaws."

The waiter comes to their table and asks what Eric and Yuu would like to eat.

"I'll be having the Belgian waffles with coffee, and the lady will have the chicken and waffles with orange juice," Eric says, winking at Yuu.

"Alright, your orders should be coming out shortly," The waiter replies, clicking his pen and walking away.

"So, what do you like to do for fun?" Eric asks, looking Yuu in the eyes.

"Playing with Grim, hanging out with my friends, hanging out at the harbor and beach at Sage Island. What about you?" Yuu replies, smiling at Eric.

"To be honest, acting and hanging out with my dear son. He's grown up so fast, I'm starting to think he's too old to hang out with his old man," Eric jokes, making you feel bad for him.

"Aww, I'm sure he still has the time to hang out with you. I remember when I was 14 and started to hang out with my friends more, my mom was a bit sad that I wasn't the kid I used to be who'd go running straight to her parents to play with," Yuu explains, holding Eric's hand.

As if Yuu's touch is electricity, his heart skips a beat. He can't help but wrap his fingers around her soft hand, rubbing them like he's feeling the smoothest thing in the world. He hoped this moment would never end.

"Here's your order. Chicken and waffles with orange juice and Belgian waffles with coffee," The waiter says, putting food and drinks on the table and snapping Eric out of his thoughts.

"Yum! Our food looks so good," Yuu cheers, opening her napkin.

"I agree..." Eric replies, still dazed from his moment with Yuu.

Just as Yuu cuts her food, Eric gently grabs her hand.

"I'll cut your food. I invited you here," Eric says, making Yuu flustered.

"Oh, you really don't need to do this," Yuu states, trying to stop Eric.

"It's ok. I want to."

Eric hands Yuu her plate back and sticks a fork into a waffle piece.

"Say, ah~" Eric laughs, his hand under Yuu's chin.

"Ah," Yuu obeys, letting Eric feed her.

After letting Eric feed her, she eats her food on her own. Thirty minutes go by, and the two finish their meals. Eric pays the bill and then offers Yuu his arm as they walk out of the cafe.

"Thanks for taking me out for brunch, Eric," Yuu says, holding Eric's arm.

"It's no problem, really. I'm just lucky to be in the presence of such a successful lady," Eric responds, making you giggle.

"Thanks for the compliment. I'll be even more successful when I learn how to fly on a broom."

Eric opens his car door for Yuu and lets her inside. The limo is all black, with the seats having a velvet texture. Eric sits next to Yuu and pops open a bottle of sparkling cider.

"Want some?" Eric asks, pouring a glass for Yuu.

"No, I'm good. I'm still full from brunch," Yuu replies, buckling her seatbelt.

"More for me, then," Eric chuckles, sipping his glass. "So, how's Grim-aw. You're so cute."

Like Grim, Yuu falls asleep after eating a meal. With no information about where to drop her off, Eric decides to take Yuu to his house. He puts Yuu on his couch, grabs a blanket, and wraps it around himself and Yuu. Eric lets Yuu sleep on his shoulder, his left hand rubbing her head. He turns the TV on, turning it down to the lowest setting, and enjoys Yuu's soft breathing as he watches a movie.

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