Chapter #1

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Her feet were thumping hard against the ground, almost as hard as her heart was in her chest. The alarm bells were ringing their frantic melody, signaling the arrival of the elves. Rumors had spread north of a young magi who escaped the persecution carried out by the elves. When Mirano was seeking refuge in the southern marshes of Geria she had found a home. And now they had come for her. She was no longer safe in Geria or the lands surrounding it.

"Hurry Mirano! They're almost to the town square," called the woman who had housed her.

There's too much water here, I can't cast a fire spell. Mirano ran and ran, her boots splashing against the wet ground as she bound over root after root. After minutes of running as fast as she could, she saw it, the barge that was to bring her to freedom. The men on the barge were eating their morning meal, as they weren't supposed to leave till marrow after next. The captain saw her running towards them.  As she drew nearer she yelled out, "Pack up! The elves and shirka are coming! They should be at the markets by now!"

"Why have you come to join us? And what is this stuff about the elves being at the market?" questioned the barge captain, Bonji.

"The Queen caught wind of my existence and sent many soldiers and sherkia to take me back to the capital," I answered. "She sent at least two great lords, and many jailers, she knew that there was a way for fugitives to escape through the south, but just not how." The men work to pack everything and leave no traces of them having been there. Within about ten minutes time the barge was ready to go.


As the barge moved through the swampy lands, the men on the barge told many stories. "They were once beautiful creatures, until the elves killed their king and made them work as slaves. Slowly diminishing the sherkia of their beauty and freedom," one man said in a dramatic tone. 

But that was not the entire history of the sherkia and how the elves gained power over them.


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