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Rooster X Reader

Dear Diary,

19 years old and living the life. Right?

You may think I'm a stuck up, bratty bimbo girl, who lives off of daddy's money, but that is simply not true. Sure I'm currently waddling to my dad's Mercedes-Benz, because I just got a mani-pedi, and sure I wasn't the one who paid for it. But, really I'm not who you think I am. I'm humble. I know most people don't have what I have, and I'm cool with that. I mean- anyways.

You wouldn't believe what happened today. I started my day off, not a worry in the world. Like normal. That was the opposite of what I should have felt. I ate breakfast, then called Bradley. We talked for hours! He seemed so happy, in fact he did most of the talking, all about airplanes. What do I know about airplanes?

In fact, it's all he talked about. Don't get me wrong, I've always liked that he had his future planned out, but this isn't what I wanted. I can't even remember what school he was planning to go to, something airplane. He said he wants to fly fighter jets. Is that what really famous people fly, when their lives are in danger? If so, I'll need one. I swear one day, I'll be the best fashion designer ever. Well those plans might be put off for later, I'll explain later.

I was super excited for my mani-pedi, I had the perfect design picked out. On top of that, Bradley and I had our perfect date planned out for tonight.

Only for our date to be ruined. Guess what happened! He broke up with me! Over text! I might have gone crazy if I didn't also have a hair and nail appointment today. Hot people can't go crazy right? Because the looks my nail specialist was giving me made me think otherwise. I'm fine.

After getting my roots bleached, my nails painted, and spilling my heart out I was feeling pretty tired. I decided to try and get Bradley to change his mind. I drove to his house as quickly as I could.

When I got there he was already leaving! I ran over to him. My measly attempts of trying to win him back, consisted of me crying and begging for him to take me back. I can't even remember his face because of how many tears were falling.

He placed a hand on my shoulder, wiped my tears, and kissed my forehead. Like hello?? You just broke up with me, remember? I thought I had won, but I was further from the truth. He said and I quote, 'we're just too different'. When I asked why, he just shook his head. But I think I know why. A pilot, that's what he's always wanted in a woman.

That's when I got the best idea. I'm gonna fly fighter jets! That'll show him, right? Prove I'm more than just a pretty face. That I can actually be smart, and I can fly those big planes better than he'll ever be able to.

Maybe then he'll take me back! This was the exact push I needed, and once I get Bradley back, my life will be back on schedule. How did I not think of this faster, Legally Blonde is like one of my favorite movies! Elle Woods walked so I could run!

I haven't told my dad yet, but I'm sure once I do, he'll love the idea just as much as I do! And I'm sure he'll be able to pull some strings, plus who wouldn't want me to be in their school? Don't answer that.

P.S He said yes! Naval academy here I come!

Love, Y/N

After many, many years of schooling I got to fly those stupid fighter jets. Oh and I graduated top of my class. Who's fragile now, huh Bradley? After only talking the first 2 years of my schooling obsessing over Bradley, I realized he wasn't worth it. And not only that, but I really enjoyed being a pilot. Now I get to fly a mission with Top Gun.

All I want to do is see Bradley, and scream 'in your face'!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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