The Librarian

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The loud ringing of the bell as I walk through the door hits my ears like a cannon-shot. Goodness, as if just the creaking of the door isn't enough to announce my presence in this quiet, nearly abandoned library. Okay, abandoned is the wrong word. It might be small, but this place has always been taken care of with great love. No piled up dust or outdated literature, just the rows of colourful novels and lively plants on every shelf fill the atmosphere. What makes it look abandoned is the ivy growing around the windows. They said it would destroy the building, but at this point it's holding it together. It's a shame they have such a tight budget, a small restoration would do wonders for this library.

I try to close the door as quietly as possible, as if my presence could've ever gone unnoticed after the loud ringing of the bell just now. I take a few steps and look around, trying desperately to catch a glimpse of my real reason for being here. And there, behind the info desk, wearing his usual black turtleneck and retro glasses, sits the librarian. I can't help but smile a little at the pleasant sight before me. His nose so perfectly sculpted that his glasses slide off a little during the day, the turtleneck showing just enough of his slim yet masculine frame, the ID card hanging from his neck with the irresistible photo that I can't help but stare at whenever we speak. Adan is so dreamy it almost hurts.

I quickly get rid of my grin as he lifts his head up and turns to me. "Good evening miss Mayfair! It's been a while. Would you like some coffee?" He stands up from his office chair and approaches me, I manage to hold eye contact for just a little over two seconds before my eyes shy away from his face. "Indeed, it has been a while. And yes, I'd love some coffee. I'm in desperate need of caffeine."

He grins softly. "Well lucky for you I worked as a barista for two years. A third of the cup milk and two sugar cubes?"

"You still got it."

"Of course I do. How was the business trip?"

His way of talking with a hint of playful flirtation makes me break the eye contact almost instantly, but I force myself not to stare at the ID photo, which definitely seems to stare at me. "Oh, boring as always. Manchester was beautiful, but the CEO of Makeshift Memoirs was still just as infuriating." My eyes drift around the room, and I notice we're alone. "Where's Margaret?"
Margaret, the head of the library, can be found here every single day. It's not very typical of her to be absent, so I wonder if she's alright.

Adan sighs. "She's got a fever."

My eyes instantly widen. "Oh wow, it must be really bad if she skips work."

He nods. "Well, you never know with her. She might turn up later tonight saying she's completely fine and pick up work like nothing happened."

I giggle. "Wouldn't surprise me," I say as I begin taking off my trench coat.

"Let me take that from you." He stands behind me and pulls the sleeves off my arms, then, with great care, holds the coat in his hands. "Take a seat, I'll go hang this up and make coffee. I need some caffeine, too."

I look at him in confusion. "I thought you only drink tea?"

He sighs even deeper than before. "Turns out running a library is far more difficult without Margaret around. And it's not even a busy night..."

I nod. "Understandable. I won't bother you any further, then."

He raises his hands and smiles. "Oh no, please. Your presence is just what I needed on this dull evening." His eyes shift to my shoulder bag. "Now, I won't bother you any further, because when you take your bag it usually means there's work to be done."

My gosh, has he really noticed that? Is he maybe also interested... in me? Ah, who am I kidding. He's just a thoughtful person.
"Oh- I just need to write a short article. After that, I'll be reading in the fantasy section. Like usual."

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 06 ⏰

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