"sure!" hanako already held sora's hand securely, leading him to somewhere a bit away, often she'd glance over her shoulder. catching on, the pro left, as soon as he was out of earshot though, he made a call.

"hey, you remember the lost children?" a muffled voice came through the phone, before the pro replied, "yeah, how'd they look?"

hanako and sora had done this countless times, pretending, feigning innocence and confusion, and then they'd run. away. anything to ensure their safety. they weren't stupid, they had wandered enough to know orphanages weren't the kindest, hanako would instead take care of sora herself; doing odd jobs and sleeping behind convenience stores was better than basically handing him over to irresponsible adults.

they weren't all bad, true. but she wasn't going to take chances when it came to him, no way. and, sora is adorable and obedient, he's not annoying, he understands, that's quite an ideal child, who knows, maybe some parents will be interested in only one child, she wasn't ready to be separated yet, or ever.


hanako and sora were walking, silently, straight into the darker end of the alleyway, one they knew led to a fork.


He clutched her hand tighter, it was going to bruise lightly, she knew, but she didn't care.


their steps echoed faintly, the alleyway was quiet and wet, it was a weird kind of comfort.


And they did run, once a safe distance from the pro, they sprinted across the oh-so-familiar alley.

they did this every day, run runrunrunrunrunrunrunrun— if you want to survive. run.

as they ran, they passed a poster, one they didn't care enough to look at, one that read,

. . .


If found please call-


Reward money: 2,000,000,000 won (two billion won)

. . .

-with a photo of hanako and sora smiling, although that photo seemed to be at least three years old. an extremely young Hanako and a baby Sora.

-they were happy, anyone could tell.

are they happy now?

among each other? yes, always.

otherwise? not so much...

| hanako.

we didn't always get caught.

correction- we never got caught.

especially not when we run.

but we did get caught. right now I was in the clutches of a police officer, my head was spinning and it felt like i forgot how to breathe.

was sora near?

right now, I just wanted to be the child I was supposed to be and curl up and sleep. I felt parched, burning throat, burning eyes, my heart, soul, will...I felt lost.

where is sora?

my eyes shot open, a tremble in my form, i thrashed around in the officer's hold, "let me go! where is sora?!"

"nee-chan?" a quiet voice peeked up, a teary undertone.

my head turned suddenly, eyes brimming with tears, a choked sob escaped me.

the police officer dropped me, my form wobbling slightly before I ran, clutching sora into my embrace.

"sora!" i squeezed him, "you're okay," my voice came as a breathy whisper.

"n-nee-chan..." sora fumbled, "I'm scared."

"it's okay, I won't let anything happen to you," my eyes narrowed, shining, a fire burned in my stomach, "never."

flipping around, I faced the officers, our 'saviors'.

"what do you want?" I pronounced each syllable with great difficulty, seeing the raging fire under my skin it was no wonder, my eyes glowed, a tickling sensation erupted on my hand, and soon a bright glow flowed from my palm.

"stand down." the officer's voice rang out, my eyes met his and electricity went through my veins, my anger was a raging fire ready to consume, these people were unfortunate to get caught up in the crossfire.

i clicked my tongue, retracting my quirk I shifted to lean on one leg.

"your name, child?" my eyebrows furrowed at his words.

"hanako," I jabbed my thumb at my brother, "sora."

"ah! lovely names," the officer donned a smile, one that didn't quite reach his eyes, he then leaned down to meet my eyes, "hanako, tell me, what were you doing out there, all alone?"

"we...got lost," my veins spiked, my heart thumped in my chest, and an unsteady hum circulated through my body.

"of course you did." he smiled again, "how?"

"I don't know," my eyes faded, a dazed look curtained them, "I can't...remember. anything."

this made the officer's eyes narrow, he mumbled something under his breath, before he pivoted on his heel, discreetly saying something that sounded like, 'run tests on them' to one of the officers standing near the door.

not fifteen minutes later, we were escorted to rooms of all whites...different rooms.

we were scared, sora was trembling like fire on a windy day, just without the warmth.

i was scared, mainly for sora, but scared.

'run tests on them,' (or something along those lines) doesn't sound very welcoming, especially to two little kids.

ten hours later, we were told what was 'wrong' with us.

amnesia. at least in my case. sora was way too young to remember what happened anyway.

they also told us that sometimes when the body goes through something traumatic, especially while one is so young, the brain has a tendency to shut off those memories in a locker far away. it's there, but never quite so in reach.

at least not until something sets off the bomb.

it's now thirty hours later and they already found a 'home' for us.

It's an orphanage.

or as I like to call it-

a 'kill or be killed' zone.

and that was the first chapter!! gosh, it was soooo exciting writing this. I've had this idea stuck in my head for soo long so I'm glad it's falling into place now!!

regarding the possible faking of being a pro. it might sound quite absurd but I'm honestly surprised nobody really explored this idea. (at least I've never truly read it anywhere)

living in such a world, and with people you know can have bad intentions really gives room to this idea. I mean what's stopping villains from just faking being a pro? not every pro is super famous, many are not even known by the average civilian.

It isn't a far-fetched idea. faking a provisional license can be possible, and like I mentioned not everyone has the expertise to differentiate between a fake and a real one. this is similar to fake being of the official teams (officers, and other common government workers)

anyway- thanks for reading, I hope you liked it^^ 

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