Chapter 3

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As Sophia prepares to send Lucy Bronze a message, she can feel her heart pounding in her chest. She glances nervously at her chat, seeking their guidance on what to say.

"So, chat, what should I DM Lucy Bronze?" she asks, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she types out the message.

Her chat erupts with suggestions, each message offering a different idea for what Sophia should say to the Lionesses' captain.

"Tell her she's amazing and that you're a huge fan!"

"Say what's up beautiful! It'll make her smile for sure!"

Sophia blushes at the suggestion, her cheeks turning a rosy shade of pink. "I don't know about that," she replies with a nervous laugh. "I want to keep it casual, you know?"

As the suggestions continue to pour in, Sophia sifts through the messages, searching for the perfect words to send to Lucy. She wants to strike the right balance between friendly and respectful, conveying her admiration for the football star without coming across as too forward.

Finally, after much deliberation, Sophia settles on a simple message: "Hey Lucy! I'm a huge fan of yours and I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining me on one of my streams sometime. It would be amazing to have you on!"

With a deep breath, Sophia hits send, her finger hovering over the mouse as she waits for the message to go through. A sense of anticipation hangs in the air as she watches the message disappear into the ether, her stomach fluttering with nerves.

For a moment, there's silence in the chat as everyone holds their breath, waiting to see what will happen next. Sophia's heart races as she waits for a response, her mind buzzing with a mix of excitement and anxiety.

Minutes pass, but there's no sign of a reply from Lucy Bronze. Sophia's shoulders slump in disappointment, her hopes deflating as she resigns herself to the possibility that Lucy may never respond.

"Just my luck," she mutters to herself, her disappointment evident in her voice as she stares at her screen.

But just as Sophia begins to lose hope, a notification pops up on her phone, causing her heart to skip a beat. With trembling hands, she unlocks her phone and opens the message, her eyes widening in disbelief at what she sees.

It's a reply from Lucy Bronze.

Sophia's breath catches in her throat as she reads the message, her eyes widening in disbelief. Lucy has not only responded, but she's also expressed interest in joining Sophia on one of her streams.

A rush of excitement courses through Sophia's veins as she reads the message again and again, unable to believe her luck. She can hardly contain her joy as she turns to her chat, her voice trembling with excitement as she shares the incredible news.

"Guys, you won't believe it! Lucy Bronze responded!" she exclaims, her words drowned out by the deafening roar of cheers and applause from her chat.

After the exhilarating match against the Netherlands, Lucy Bronze finds herself sitting in the changing room, still buzzing with energy from the game. She takes a long sip of water, the cool liquid soothing her parched throat as she relaxes into her seat.

Nearby, her teammates Georgia Stanway and Keira Walsh are engaged in a lively conversation, their laughter filling the air as they unwind after the intense match. Lucy smiles as she listens to their banter, grateful for the camaraderie and support of her teammates.

As she takes a moment to catch her breath, Lucy's phone buzzes with a notification, drawing her attention away from her teammates. Curious, she unlocks her phone and opens the message, her brow furrowing in confusion as she reads the name of the sender: Sophia.

Intrigued, Lucy clicks on the message, her eyes widening in surprise as she reads the contents. It's a message from a woman named Sophia, who introduces herself as a Twitch streamer and expresses interest in having Lucy join her on one of her streams.

Lucy's heart skips a beat at the unexpected invitation. She's always been curious about the world of streaming, but she never imagined that a streamer would reach out to her personally.

Turning to Georgia and Keira, Lucy can't help but share her excitement. "Hey, have you guys ever heard of a Twitch streamer named Sophia?" she asks, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Georgia and Keira exchange puzzled glances before shaking their heads. "Nope, can't say I have," replies Georgia, her brow furrowed in confusion. "Why, did she message you or something?"

Lucy nods, her excitement mounting as she recounts the message from Sophia. "Yeah, she messaged me out of the blue, asking if I'd be interested in joining her on one of her streams," she explains, her voice tinged with excitement. "I've never heard of her before, but it sounds like it could be fun!"

Keira leans in closer, her eyes sparkling with interest. "That's so cool, Lucy! You should definitely check her out and see what she's all about," she suggests, her enthusiasm contagious.

Lucy nods in agreement, her mind racing with possibilities. She quickly opens Sophia's profile on Instagram, scrolling through her feed to get a sense of who she is and what she's about.

As she scrolls through Sophia's posts and videos, Lucy finds herself impressed by the streamer's passion and creativity. From gaming highlights to behind-the-scenes glimpses of her life, Sophia's content is engaging and entertaining, drawing Lucy in with its authenticity and charm.

With a sense of excitement building in her chest, Lucy turns back to her teammates, a smile spreading across her face. "You know what, you're right. I think I'm going to take her up on her offer," she declares, her voice filled with determination. "Who knows, maybe streaming could be a fun new adventure for me!"

With her teammates' encouragement and support, Lucy feels emboldened to explore this new opportunity.

As Sophia sits in her streaming setup, her heart races with excitement as she prepares to share the news of Lucy Bronze's response with her chat. With a deep breath, she opens up Lucy's message and begins to read it aloud to her eager viewers.

"Hey everyone, listen up!" Sophia announces, her voice filled with excitement as she addresses her chat. "Remember how I messaged Lucy Bronze earlier today? Well, she just responded!"

The chat explodes with excitement at the news, messages flying across the screen as viewers express their anticipation to hear Lucy's response.

Sophia's hands tremble slightly as she continues to read Lucy's message aloud, her heart pounding in her chest at the prospect of collaborating with one of her favorite footballers.

"Lucy says she'll have to talk to her agent and PR people to see if it's a good idea, but she's totally down to do it!" Sophia exclaims, her voice tinged with disbelief and excitement.

The chat erupts into cheers and applause at the news, viewers expressing their excitement and admiration for Lucy's willingness to consider the collaboration.

"That's amazing, Sophia! You're going to have Lucy Bronze on your stream!" declares one viewer, their message punctuated by a string of celebratory emojis.

Sophia can hardly believe her luck as she reads through Lucy's message again, the reality of the situation sinking in. She never imagined that her simple message to Lucy would lead to such an incredible opportunity, and she's filled with gratitude and excitement at the prospect of collaborating with the football star.

With a sense of determination, Sophia turns back to her chat, a smile spreading across her face. "Alright, everyone, it looks like we might have a special guest on the stream soon!" she announces, her voice filled with excitement. "Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope that everything works out!"

The chat responds with a chorus of cheers and well-wishes, their enthusiasm palpable as they rally behind Sophia and Lucy's potential collaboration.

As Sophia prepares to end the stream, she can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the future. With Lucy Bronze's interest in joining her on a stream, she knows that she's about to embark on an incredible journey filled with new opportunities, friendships, and unforgettable moments. And with her chat by her side, she knows that anything is possible.

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