In their ongoing efforts to break into the American sports market, Ferrari had a week of media engagements planned for their two drivers. They kicked off in California with paparazzi photo opportunities, followed by appearances at basketball games and a movie premiere, all aimed at generating excitement for the upcoming Las Vegas Grand Prix, where Charles aimed to clinch the championship and trigger a celebration like no other.

The young driver had overheard a couple of conversations and could all but guarantee that merchandise declaring him the winner was in circulation. Normally, this would bring anxiety due to the pressure, but knowing that all he needed to secure the championship was to place on the podium in the upcoming race, he felt secure. This task wouldn't prove troublesome as the cards were falling perfectly into place: the car was in perfect condition, his simulation runs had been near flawless, and the weather was clear.

Throughout the week, Charles made numerous attempts to communicate with Max, even suggesting they arrive early in Las Vegas to spend time together. However, Max chose to do the opposite, arriving only on the day of the start of the events. Despite his initial concerns, Charles maintained faith in Max, hoping that regardless of the outcome, they would reconnect afterward, with Max unloading his worries onto him.

Yet, a nagging doubt lingered in Charles's mind. He couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps Max's assurances about their relationship surviving his potential victory was based on the assumption that a Ferrari win was unlikely. Nonetheless, Charles tried to push these thoughts aside and enjoy his time in the city alongside his team and his girlfriend, Alexandra.

Their relationship had been left unspoken of, with Alexandra's understanding nature allowing Charles to treat her more as a friend than a romantic partner. He made it clear to her that his focus was solely on the race. Eventually, he knew he would need to have a conversation with her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it just yet. Alexandra was different from Kelly, and if she was content enjoying their time together without the romantic aspects, Charles would delay delivering the bad news until it became unavoidable—a selfish decision, perhaps, but how could he explain that it was him, not her, responsible for the end of their relationship?

Finally catching a glimpse of the blonde hair on paddock, Charles was quick to smile his way only to have it drop at Max's avoidance of him— all but confirming his fears. The realization dawned on him: if he emerged victorious, he risked losing Max. A sense of melancholy washed over him, tainting his excitement. Directed toward the Ferrari garage, he couldn't shake the feeling of impending loss.

Amidst the chaos, Charles managed to send one last message to Max, a simple yet loaded request: "Can we talk tonight? I'm worried." Though the day had only just begun, he kept his phone on silent, clinging to the hope that by its end, he would receive a reassuring response.

Surprisingly, Max finally replied at the end of the day. "Meet me at my hotel," he finally texted Charles, a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty. "I'm in room 901."

Relief washed over Charles as he found a text from Max at the end of the day. Instead of hounding him for explanations or venting about his worries, he simply replied that he'd be there in ten minutes.

True to his word, the brunette was knocking on room 901 with a minute to spare. Far too anxious to waste any time going back to his own hotel to change, he showed up in the same merchandise he'd arrived at the paddock.

As the door opened to reveal Max at the entrance, the boy could hardly hold back the tears that were beginning to form, overwhelmed with comfort in knowing that the man wasn't through with him— he still wanted to see him. With the door shutting behind them, the slightly shorter man fell right into their usual routine despite an agonizing week apart, his arm wrapping tightly around Max's neck and taking in the familiar scent, the way in which their bodies always seemed to connect like puzzle pieces bringing him solace.

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