Chapter 1

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A/N: Their 13
Paige wakes up in an unfamiliar bed. Her head feels like it’s breaking open, guess that’s what happens when you have too many drinks, she thinks to herself. Slowly it all comes back to her, she got drunk at a party, about to get laid by someone WAY older than her, and was taken to…Sheldon’s dorm by Missy. That’s where she is now, but where is Sheldon? She looks around the room only to find a sleeping Sheldon on the floor with a thin blanket on him. Paige feels a little bad he had to sleep on the ground because of her. Not wanting to cause anymore trouble, she gets up and goes for the door as quietly as possible. “where do you think you’re going” Paige hears Sheldon ask in his usual firm almost robotic voice. “you’re awake?” Paige asks in surprise. “I am now, but that doesn’t answer my question.” Sheldon says as he gets up. “I didn’t wanna bother you anymore so I thought I leave before causing anymore trouble” she says with a hint of sadness in her voice. “while I do agree that YOU ARE annoying and troublesome Missy wouldn’t like it if I just let you go when you’re not even fully sober yet, nor would my mom if she knew, nor does it seem like a nice thing to do in general.” Sheldon says. “so you’re saying…” “I’m saying instead of constantly disappearing and reappearing in my life, how about you just stay?” Sheldon says, his tone serious as always, devoid of any emotion. “do YOU want me to stay?” Paige says with doubt in her tone. “that is what I said! Besides you asked me to fix you last night, and in order for me to fix you, you must be close by. Isn’t that right?” “I didn’t mean lit-“ “and was THIS what you meant when you said you’re going to find happiness for yourself in that letter of yours? Cause I don’t think the unhealthy type counts” Sheldon finishes, looking at her with those serious eyes of his. “Sheldon, this is really nice of you, but you don’t have to-“ “I want to” Sheldon said emphasizing on the ‘want’, and Paige could’ve sworn his voice was a little bit softer when he said that. “well, where should we start?” Paige asked softly, still unsure how to react. “we could start with that headache of yours, and before you ask how I know, I figured so since you had so many to drink last night. There’s flask on my desk with chamomile tea in it and there are painkillers in my first aid kit box which you could find under my bed.” Sheldon said. “and then?” Paige asked. “then since I don’t trust you won’t run away if I leave instead of going home myself I’m gonna go call Missy and give her a list of things to bring for you, including clean clothes and a towel so you can shower, which I don’t mean to be rude but you could really use one” Sheldon continued. “and then?” Paige asked rolling her eyes. “then we need to talk” he said leaving for the phone booth down the hall to call Missy. Paige stood there for a while looking around thinking about her life. She decided to pour some chamomile tea for herself. She sat down with her back against the bed. She drank her tea and hugged her knees. She could feel herself tearing up. “good news! Missy said she’s on her way so guaranteed there’ll be no heavy traffic they’ll be here in less than an hour. And meemaw agreed to bring her and not question wh-“ he stopped seeing Paige crying. She quickly started wiping her tears. “what’s the matter? Does your head still hurt?” she shook her head. “no, I’m feeling way better after drinking some tea” Paige said forcing a fake smile. Sheldon sat next to her. “then why are you crying?” he asked, concerned. As he got older he got better with emotions, and he was glad for that right then. “it’s just that, you and Missy have been really nice to me, especially you! You comforted me after my parents divorce when nobody asked you to, you agreed to let me stay and went all the way back home to prepare things for me, and now you’re trying to fix me even though we both know it’s hopeless and I deserve it cause it's all my own fault anyways” Paige said, tears rolling down her soft cheeks. “I don’t think it’s hopeless. You’re smart, you regret the things you’ve done last night, and you don’t want to continue living like this so I think you’re willing enough for this to work” Paige chuckled and looked away, “whatever you say, smart guy” she said. Sheldon thought for a moment. “I’m not too fond of hugs at the best of times, but I think you might need this one” Sheldon said before rapping his arms around her, it caused Paige to cry harder, and after a little while she turned around and buried her face in Sheldon’s chest as she cried. Sheldon hated having his clothes get wet by her tears, and the smell of beer was bothering him a bit, but he decided she needed this so he only hugged her tighter. After an hour had passed Missy rushed in with a huge bag filled with stuff, “I came here as fast as I could-, am I ahh…interrupting something?” Missy asked, being faced with the scene in front of her. Paige had stopped crying a while ago but the traces of tears were still visible on her face. She had her head on Sheldon’s shoulder while leaning on him. Paige was the first to get up, “no, thanks for your help by the way” Paige said. “anytime” Missy said handing her the bag of stuff. Paige took it gladly and went to take a shower. “what happened while I was gone” Missy asked. “oh nothing, she was crying so I just offered her a hug” Sheldon said it so casually as if he were telling Missy what he had for breakfast. “Sheldon Cooper offered someone a hug!?” Missy asked confused. “I’m just as surprised as you are” Sheldon said looking away, “and I bet she is too” Missy said. Twenty minutes later Paige came out of the shower dressed in a loose T-shirt and comfy pants, with a towel rapped around her hair. “we called your mom and told her you were here, and that she should pack your things and send them here” Missy said casually, “why?” Paige asked confused. “because I talked to Dr. Sturgis and we both agreed that the next best step in fixing your life is for you to continue your education again. And since I’m keeping an eye on you where better than here?” Sheldon answered. “I’m not sure I’m ready to continue college yet” Paige said. “it’ll be fine, we have one week for you to catch up with the lessons and I’ll be helping you both educationally and emotionally” Sheldon continued. “and if he wasn’t any help emotionally you can always call me” Missy said. Paige chuckled, “I don’t know what to say” she said. “how about thank you?” Sheldon said, “and a hug” Missy said as she went to hug her which she gladly returned, “I have to go now, be nice to my brother or he might just kick you out and take back everything he just said” Missy joked. “HEY!!” shouted an angry Sheldon, “don’t worry I have experience with that” Paige said in between laughs.

It was now night time, Missy had left a while ago. They had already had eaten dinner given that Sheldon ordered pizza for the both of them. Paige sat on Sheldon’s bed facing him who’s been sitting on his desk chair studying for a while. “well, where am I going to stay” Paige asked. Sheldon turned around to face her back. “well you’ll be sharing this dorm room with me, but I suppose until they bring extra furniture you can use mine” Sheldon said. “wouldn’t it be a bit weird if I shared a dorm room with you?” Paige asked. “that’s exactly how President Hagemeyer reacted. But don’t worry I told her I’m not interested and that I only care about your health and education. She still had her doubts but agreed anyways.” Sheldon said. “really?” Paige asked. “yes, she was a bit upset you didn’t enroll here when you first started college” Sheldon said “and I probably shouldn’t say this but she did mutter she wouldn’t have needed fixing if she had just started here in the first place”. There was silence for a bit before Paige started talking again, “soo…anyways um, are you sure you’re ok with sharing a dorm room with me? And let me borrow your bed?” she asked. “well I don’t mind you as my roommate, and the sleeping on my bed part is temporary so I think I survive” Sheldon answered. “well, just a thought, we could share the bed” Paige said. Sheldon stared at her for a bit, “but that’s exactly what I promised President Hagemeyer we wouldn’t do” Sheldon said. “yeah, but you lock your door at night right?” she asked. “right..” Sheldon answered. “and when’ll my furniture arrive?” she asked. “the day after tomorrow” Sheldon answered. “so no one would find out that we shared a bed, AND it’s only for two nights” Paige said. “I feel like this is a trap” Sheldon said nervously. “then I’ll sleep on the floor, you don’t need to get backpain because of me” she said. Sheldon thought about it, “but then you’ll get backpain…fine. Let’s share the bed” he said.

“perhaps one of us should sleep on the floor afterall” Sheldon said referring to how tight the space between them was. “or we could be a little more intimate” Paige said, as she moved Sheldon closer to her and rested her head on his chest, “well this is worse” Sheldon said, a little embarrassed. “are you uncomfortable?” Paige asked. “not exactly, surprisingly enough your head isn’t as heavy as I expected” Sheldon answered, “but?” Paige asked. “even if no one sees us like this I’m still experiencing it and it’s awkward” Sheldon said. “just sleep” Paige said tiredly, closing her eyes. “goodnight Sheldon” she said. Sheldon was quiet for a few long minutes, “goodnight Paige” he said finally and they both fell sleep.

A/N: 1765 words!

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