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I've always asked myself, why do I need to do things I don't like to do? Why do we, as people, force ourselves to go through so much suffering just to achieve something we may not even want.

Some would say it's a cause of needing, not wanting. And that's true. A lot of times, the force that moves us to do things is the need of something, which we get after all that hard work.

That need may be a material thing or maybe just a feeling of comfort and happiness with oneself. That is also my case, to get my parents happy by fulfilling their wishes. Them being happy, means I also get to be happy.

My family is a well accommodated one, Father being the face of a large multinational company and Mother an important part of it as well.

You could say that my life is pretty much resolved, with an already written fate, which is to succeed my parents on they job.

That line I need to cross always made my parents have high expectations of me. Be it being an honorable student on school, to being the captain of several clubs on Middle School. Even if it wasn't something that I wanted, I did it for the need of my parents to have a great son they could be proud of.

It was a hellish task, after all there were lots of times when I thought I just simply couldn't do it anymore, but the thought of getting home and being drowned with praises from my parents always made me keep up.

'Genius' was the word they've always used to describe me. A boy who achieved a senior High School level of knowledge while being a freshmen on Middle School.

I was, and still am, very fond of books. They provided me with tons of information and crazy sci-fiction scenarios that I could've never imagined by myself. There were times I would just ask my butler to bring me a random book from any genre to read. I enjoyed all of them the same.

In the physical aspect, I was pretty much one of the best on Middle School.

Since I was tall, at least by the japanese standard, I formed part of the Basketball Club. It was an enjoyable experience, but I never got the same love to the game that the rest of the club had.

Then, the days I hadn't practice with the team, I would go to another one to practice, the Karate Club. I used to get in fights much more commonly than the average student, so I have my part of real life experience. The Karate club and any other I had while being younger were just a mean to me to win those fights in an easier way. Not that I enjoyed beating other people up, it was just a way for me to de-stress myself

Anyways, being really good at those two fields and the love I had to them always made my parents call me the 'perfect' son. And I guess that could be true, but only if you focus on those things.

On the psychological aspect, I would say that I'm kind of fucked up. I've never had any friends. Not because I was scared to talk to people, that wasn't the case at all. I was actually really good with words, since it's a thing that any CEO from a big company needs to have. My problem was that I hadn't found anyone actually worth for me to think of as a friend.


As I was lost in thoughts, a voice took me back to reality.

"Yes, Arisu?" I replied.

Sakayanagi Arisu. You could say that she was the person I was the closest to recognize as a friend. A natural born genius, as she likes to call herself. She has a really fragile body which uses a cane to move around. But she doesn't let that slow her down, since her brain is more than enough capable to make her a really admirable, intelligent girl.

I still remember the day we met each other, when our parents presented us. They always had the idea of making us marry once we grew older.

Luckily, I don't think the idea still reverberates on their minds. I've never had a girlfriend, even though I've been confessed romantically several times.

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